More than half also used calcium chloride, and one-fifth used calcium magnesium acetate (CMA)。
其中半数以上是氯化钙,1/5是乙酸镁钙(CMA)。 |
More than half never finish high school.
他们中一半以上没能完成高中学业。 |
More than half of British Columbia is heavily forested.
大部分英属哥伦比亚密布着森林。 |
More than half of Canada's aeronautics and space industries are located in which province?
哪个省拥有著加拿大半数以上的航空工业? |
More than half of Chinese people think sex before marriage is acceptable, but a third say the partners must be in love, the Xinhua news agency said on Tuesday, citing results of a recent poll.
本周二,新华社在报道中援引近期的一项调查结果称,中国有一半以上的人认为婚前性行为可以接受,而三分之一的人则认为两个人必须相爱才行。 |
More than half of Iraqis have curtailed activities like going out of their homes, going to markets or other crowded places and traveling through police checkpoints .
超过一半的伊拉克人不出门、不去市场或其它人多的场所、而且避免通过检查站。 |
More than half of Iraqis have curtailed activities like going out of their homes, going to markets or other crowded places and traveling through police checkpoints.
一半多的伊拉克人减少了诸如外出,购物或者去热闹场所,路径警察哨所等活动. |
More than half of all sharks are smaller than 1 metre long.
以此类方式捕获的鲨鱼大半都还不到一米长。 |
More than half of children in the UK save more of their pocket money than they spend, research has shown.
一项最新的调查结果显示,半数以上的英国孩子在对零用钱的使用问题上,更倾向于把钱存起来,而不是胡乱花掉。 |
More than half of the 1,024 people questioned in a survey for the broadcaster TVN said they were against the nomination after learning about the collaboration with the secret service.
公共媒体TVN就此事对1024人进行了问卷调查,其中超过一半人得知主教与秘密警察有染后反对他升职。 |
More than half of the automobiles, furniture, and household appliances are purchased on the installment plan.
许多家庭无力用现金购买像汽车、家具和家用电器这类的大宗商品。 |