As the saying goes “Nothing In The World Is Difficult If You Put Your Heart Into It” Believe in yourself, and have confidence in yourself.
正如一句老谚语说的:“天下无难事,只怕有心人”,相信你自己并要对自己有信心。 |
As the saying goes, Fear of death is worse than death itself.
俗云:“对死亡的恐惧比死亡本身更可怕。” |
As the saying goes, here's your chance to really impress everyone!
俗话说得好:你一鸣惊人的机会来了!” |
As the saying goes, one doesn't know what happiness is until one loses it; one doesn't know what health is until he falls ill.
人们常说,直到失去了幸福,人们才知道什么是幸福;直到生病,人们才知道什么是健康。 |
As the saying goes, “ When we drink water from the well, we shall never forget the person who digs the well.” You know, our progress lies in our teachers' diligent cultivation.
男:吃水不忘挖井人,成功不忘摆渡人,我们的点滴进步,有老师的心血付出,我们的智慧开发,离不开老师的辛勤耕耘。 |
As the saying goes, “He who praises everybody praises nobody.
俗话说,“称许所有的人,反而称许不到任何人。” |
As the saying goes, “United we stand; divided we fall.
俗话说:“团结则存,分裂则亡。” |
As the scarab traveled throughout Europe and Asia by trade, war and politics, its purpose changed.
当圣甲虫通过贸易,战争和政治遍及整个欧洲和亚洲各地,它的用途改变了。 |
As the scene fades out, the hero and the heroine walk away from each other.
随着画面渐渐隐没,男女主角分手各向一方。 |
As the scripture unfolds this record it is really calling on us to stand back and see what is being enacted.
正如圣经所记录的一样,它要求我们回溯过去看看当时发生的事情。 |
As the season of sneezing and grabbing tissues begins with the autumn‘s first frosts, medical researchers have found that granny‘s nostrumsto fend off colds may be scientifically proven.
冬天已经悄然来临,对于很多人来说,这也意味着又到了他们频繁的打喷嚏和流鼻涕的季节了,而英国一些医学方面的研究人员近日表示,他们发现那种把身体包裹得密不透风来抵御感冒的传统方法是有科学意义的。 |