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I wish she would not tart herself up for the party.

I wish people would stop wasting energy. 我希望人们不要再浪费能源。
I wish people wouldn't rustle their programmes during the solos. 在独奏进行时,我希望人们不要把节目单翻得沙沙地响.
I wish prices would decline. 但愿物价下降。
I wish sb would get well soon. 我希望某人身体很快好起来。
I wish she would be on my side. 我希望她能站在我一边。
I wish she would not tart herself up for the party. 我希望她别为了宴会打扮得珠光宝气,花枝招展。
I wish she would stop annoying us and push off. 我但愿她离开,不要再来烦我们了。
I wish she wouldn't get after me to do things. 我真希望她不会催促我去做事。
I wish that I can know more friends in various fields through this simple personal website. 希望通过我自己这个简单的个人网站能认识到更多不同领域的志同道合的朋友。
I wish that I knew something about programming. 我希望我懂一点程序设计就好了。
I wish that I knew the answer. 我希望我知道这个答案。

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