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Everything else - lunch meats , salads, everything - scared them.

Everything clear for candidates: who will leave behind all the competitors becomes the Queen of Fairy Tales! 候选人应该很清楚:谁能够把其他对手甩在身后,谁就是童话的女王!
Everything comes to him who waits – among other things, death. 他等久就有–所有东西,包括死亡.
Everything concurred to greaten fire. 事情凑在一起,使得火势更加凶猛。
Everything cooperated to make our holiday a success . 这一切凑合起来使我们的假期圆满过去。
Everything cooperated to make our holiday a success. 这一切凑合起来使我们的假期圆满过去。
Everything else - lunch meats , salads, everything - scared them. 别的一切东西,包括午餐肉、沙拉,都让他们草木皆兵。
Everything else in your professional career is but corollary to this vital dedication. 你们是职业军人,这是个生死攸关的献身的职业。
Everything else might come and go, but if the tree structure stays in place, the site spatial structure will basically hold together. 其它的东西或许来来去去,但只要树木架构仍然留存,基地的空间架构基本上将能被整合起来。
Everything from inclement weather to job insecurity has been blamed for consumers' reluctance to spend. 从糟糕的天气到不安全的就业形势都被指责为消费者购物意愿不高的罪魁祸首。
Everything from night-vision goggles to new body armour and armoured Humvees has to be shuffled around so that deployed units are fully kitted out, leaving those at home with even bigger gaps. 每一件装备,从夜视仪到新型身体装甲以及悍马装甲车,都要移来移去以使布防的战斗单位装备完全,而国内的部队空缺更大。
Everything from razor-sharp views of the planets in our own solar system, to the vast stellar nurseries where stars and planets are born. 照片内容包罗万象,有太阳系各行星的精彩绝伦的景致,也有孕育出星球,恒星的巨大行星。

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