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Generally analyses vibration signals of gearcase in some roiling mill by using various spectrum analytical methods (such as zoom apectrum and cepstrum), and finds out that source of exceptional vibration is owing to imbalance of the whole gearing .Through

Generally a good physician will not talk you into a procedure that has nothing to do with the part of the body that is troubling you. 总得来说,一个好的医生将不会和妳建议与妳想做的手术完全无关的手术。
Generally a noun can serve as subject, object and attributive in a sentence. 名词一般都可以在句子里作主语、宾语和定语。
Generally a quiet person, slow to warm to strangers. Quite chatty after knowing the person. 一个很安静的人,面对陌生人,属于慢热型,但是一旦和他熟悉之后,他就相当健谈。
Generally accepted accounting principles require that plant assets be reported at their cost, not at the market value. 公认会计准则要求对固定资产只披露其成本价值,而不是其市场价值。
Generally an investment bank will have a financial markets operation in which dealers and/or brokers are employed. 一般,投资银行有一个金融市场运作系统,在这个系统中雇佣了代理人和/或经纪人。
Generally analyses vibration signals of gearcase in some roiling mill by using various spectrum analytical methods (such as zoom apectrum and cepstrum), and finds out that source of exceptional vibration is owing to imbalance of the whole gearing .Through 摘要利用各种频谱分析手段(细化功率谱和倒频谱)对某轧钢厂齿轮箱振动信号进行了全面分析,发现整个传动装置产生的不平衡导致齿轮箱振动异常,经过装配调整,并做了动平衡试验,有效地解决了这一问题。
Generally dedicates up to 3% of General Fund revenues annually to fund state and local (excluding school and community college) infrastructure projects. 通常每年提供最高「总合基金」收入的3%作为当地(包括学校和社区大学)基础设施计画的基金。
Generally during this period, in nations that did not experience a war, the standard of living increased more rapidly than at any point in human history, and American economic progress was the envy of the world. 总的来说,在这段时间里,没有发生战争的国家的生活水平的提高超过了人类历史上的任何时期,而美国经济的飞速发展更加令人艳羡。
Generally eaking ,the busine tax is levied on the taxable service ,the tra fer of intangible a et and sale of the immovable property within china . 一般地说,提供应税业务、转让无形资产和出卖不动产都要交纳营业税。
Generally eaking, inquiries are made by the buyers. 询盘一般由买方发出。
Generally in a market where interest rates fluctuate occasionally, there is usually little concern about funding risk or the need to consider hedging. 一般来说,在一个利率偶尔波动的市场里,通常不太关心筹资风险或考虑套期保值的需求。

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