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A warmer climate could lead to rising sea levels, the spread of tropical diseases in previously temperate climes, crop failures in some regions and the extinction of many plant and animal species, especially those in polar or alpine areas.

A warm winter, and dire warnings by scientists about climate change, convinced many that carbon emissions might be a bigger danger than nuclear accidents or radioactive waste. 刚刚过去的暖冬,和科学家们有关气候变化的灾难性警告,使许多民众都相信,二氧化碳排放要比核电厂事故或者放射性废料危险的多。
A warm wish from your grandson on Father's Day. 你的孙儿,在父亲节向您献上温馨的祝福。
A warm wish from your son on Father's Day. 你的儿子,在父亲节向您献上温馨的祝福。
A warm, napped fabric. 一种保暖且有绒毛的织物
A warm-up show by a group of dancers and Pun in Oil Street Art Village. 一个由潘德恕和一群舞者在艺术村的热身表演。
A warmer climate could lead to rising sea levels, the spread of tropical diseases in previously temperate climes, crop failures in some regions and the extinction of many plant and animal species, especially those in polar or alpine areas. 变暖的气温使海平面上升、热带疾病在温带传播、一些区域的农作物歉收以及许多动植物物种绝灭,特别是两极与高山地区的生物。
A warmth was spreading through him that had nothing to do with the sunlight; a tight obstruction in his chest seemed to be dissolving. 他感到全身暖融融的,而且这暖意跟阳光毫无关系,堵在他胸口的那块东西似乎正在渐渐融化。
A warn wind, soft as a girl's hair, moves sailboat clouds in gentle skies. 温暖的清风如姑娘的长发一般柔和,吹动着平静的天空中帆船似的白云。
A warning from Greenspan that the United States could be struggling to stave off a recession later this year contributed to a rout on global stock markets in late February. 不久前,格林斯潘预测美国经济今年年末可能将面临衰退,这引起了2月底全球股市的大跌。
A warning of existing or approaching danger. 警报对存在或即将到来的危险的警告
A warning or prohibition against meddling, touching, or interfering. 禁令禁止干涉、接触或干预的警告或禁令

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