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“It eliminates any bias in favor of living organisms by forcing the interrogator to focus solely on the content of the answers to questions.

“It also offers a vast market with ever increasing demand – there is a market in China of as much consumption as any European market,” he added. “中国还是一个需求量日益增长的庞大市场-中国市场的消费比任何一个欧洲市场都要大。”
“It concerns me because a generation of people will grow up listening to crap. 这为什么会和我有关,因为一代人将会听着垃圾长大。
“It could tell you how to enjoy the wine, where it came from, everything you'd hear from a sommelier,” Barontini said. “You could even have music. 「它能告诉你这瓶酒的享用方式、产地,所有你能够从斟酒侍者那儿听到的东西,」巴隆提尼说。「你甚至可以听音乐。」
“It depends on you!” Claud quickened up, a man wouldn't give the battle. “那要看你的!”克劳德加快了速度,男子汉是不会认输的。
“It doesn‘t seem reasonable that the oil resources in the Timor Sea should only be a source of economic development exactly for the country that is already most developed. “如果有人认为,东帝汶的石油资源只应当用于发达国家的经济发展,那就不合理了。”
“It eliminates any bias in favor of living organisms by forcing the interrogator to focus solely on the content of the answers to questions. 翻译的是:通过使询问者只关注回答问题的内容消除了有利于生物体的偏置。
“It gets you nowhere if the other person\'s tail is only just in sight for the second half of the conversation. 如果在后半段的对话中,对方的尾巴是唯一看得见的东西,那么,这样的对话不会把你带到任何地方。
“It gives law enforcement, fire, public safety workers, as well as public works elements and county officials the ability to come together in advance-plan fashion and actually go out and deploy in various neighborhoods that require additional public safet 他说:“这将使执法人员,火警,公共安全工作者,社会工作者及县级官员能够一起,以提前计划的方式,真正地走向那些需要特加安全防范的地区,共同行动。”
“It has been proposed that all life is connected, but if we accept the premise that all matter and energy in the universe have a real, even if subtle, effect on all other matter and energy in the universe, then it is equally true to say everything is conn “有种说法认为所有生命是普遍联系的,但如果我们接受以下这个前提:宇宙中的所有物质和能量都对其他的物质和能量存在着确定的的、或至少是细微的影响,那么这个说法就无比正确:所有事物普通联系——每块石头,每个原子,每粒光子,每个记忆。”
“It has not been an easy season for me, but I am a professional, I do not want to walk away from this contract. “这个赛季对我来说并不顺利,但我是一个专业的球员,我不打算背弃这份合同。
“It is a case of adapting to the formation. 这个就是适应球队一个例子。

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