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I can't wrap up the peace talk in less than fifty pages.

I can't work out the marketing schedule today because the computer program has a glitch. 因为电脑出了毛病,我写不完市场营销计划。
I can't work out this math problem in my head. I need a calculator. 我无法用脑力解决这道难题。我需要一个计算器。
I can't work up any interest in this book. 我对这本书提不起任何兴趣。
I can't work with you hovering over me like that. 你那样拿不定主意, 我实在无法与你合作.
I can't work with you hovering over me like that. 你那样拿不定主意,我实在无法与你合作.
I can't wrap up the peace talk in less than fifty pages. 我无法以不到50页纸的篇幅写出和平会谈总结。
I can't wrap up the talk in less than five pages. 我无法把这次谈话用5页写出。
I can't write so well as he. 我不能写得有如他那麽好。
I can't! My mum doesn't let me join gangdom. 不行!我妈不让我加入黑社会!
I can)get all kinds of resources! 我能)得到各种的资源!
I can, like, spend the whole day there, you know? 我可以在那里玩上一整天。”

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