Experimental results indicate that (1) the bearing strengths of the specimens decrease with the increase in the load eccentricity ratio while they increase with the increase in the steel ratio, and (2) binding bars help to improve the ultimate strength an
结果表明,方形钢管混凝土短柱试件的承载力随着偏心率的增大而减小,随着钢管壁厚度(含钢率)的增大而增大,设置约束拉杆有助于该试件极限承载力和延性的提高。 |
Experimental results indicate that pulse current causes denser deposit, which leads to the decrease of EDM tool wear ratio.
当电铸层作为电火花加工电极时,脉冲电流电铸可以降低电极损耗率。 |
Experimental results indicate that the sealing capacity of bedding faults is so high that it greatly enhances that of its original rock.
我们的数据证实,顺层断层具有较强的封闭能力,将大大地增强原岩层的封堵能力。 |
Experimental results indicate that, the vertex betweenness-first immunization strategy is the best way to control computer virus spread in scale-free network, which can provide maximal security with least vertex immunization.
计算结果表明,节点介数优先免疫的病毒控制策略只需对最少的节点进行保护,就能够提供最大的网络安全系数,具有最好的预防效果。 |
Experimental results of the air pumping of a serpentine inlet under ground running show that the total pressure recovery at the exit is low and the distortion at the exit is large.
摘要对一种蛇形进气道开展了地面工作状态下的抽吸试验研究,结果表明,在该状态下进气道出口截面的总压恢复系数较低、流场畸变较大。 |
Experimental results of three videos at coal bunker floor of the electric factory show that the methods for the image sampling, the edge detection, and the flow analysis are practical and effective.
在电厂中进行了三段煤传输录影实验,对三段录影流量检测的重复性和准确性比较结果表明,本文提出的图像采集、边缘提取以及流量分析方法可行、有效。 |
Experimental results prove that less than 5% of ultimate measurement error of the target area and more than 94.1% of detection probability for targets can be obtained by the method.
实验结果证明,该方法对纹理背景下人造目标面积探测的误差率小于5%,目标探测概率大于94.1%。 |
Experimental results show our algorithm is strong enough to resist common image processing and geometric distortions.
实验结果表明,此算法对一般的图像处理和几何攻击具有较强的鲁棒性。 |
Experimental results show that the algorithm can globally optimize the image registration parameters, smooth the image with moving objects, reduce artificial disfigurement, and enhance photo realistic aspect of video panorama.
实验结果表明,该算法优化了图像间的配准系数,平滑处理了拼接后的图像,减少了人工性缺陷,提高了视频全景图的真实感。 |
Experimental results show that the method can enhance, sharpen, and denoise images.
实验结果表明:该方法可以有效地实现对比度增强、噪声抑制和边缘保护。 |
Experimental results show that the new scheme has smaller computation but has no recognition rate impairments as compared with the global searching algorithm.
结果表明,该算法相对于全搜索算法而言,计算量小而又不降低识别率。 |