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Most people who have studied the Voynich manuscript agreed that Voynichese was too complex to be a hoax.

Most people use credit cards—but do they know the terms of the agreement they have with their card issuer. 很多人使用信用卡﹣但是他们明白信用卡公司合约书上面那些专业用词吗?
Most people visit zoos to see the animals - but visitors to Antwerp Zoo in Belgium are being told not to look at the apes. 去动物园的人都爱仔细观察动物们的表情,但是比利时安特卫普动物园近日却要求游人不要和猩猩等猿类动物进行长时间的目光交流,因为这会导致它们患上忧郁症。
Most people were favorable to the idea. 大多数人赞成这个主意。
Most people were overjoyed; they took to their boats. 大多数人狂喜;他们搭上他们的小船。
Most people who describe themselves as African-American have relatively recent ancestors from West Africa, and West Africans generally have polymorphism frequencies that can be distinguished from those of Europeans, Asians and Native Americans. 大多数自认为是非洲裔的美国人,直到最近才从西非移居美洲,而西非人的多型形质频率,与欧洲人、亚洲人、美洲原住民都不同。
Most people who have studied the Voynich manuscript agreed that Voynichese was too complex to be a hoax. 大多数研究过伏尼契手稿的人认为伏尼契文十分复杂,不可能是骗局。
Most people who stay in hotel are either business people or tourists on vacation 住在旅馆的大多数人要不是生意人就是度假旅游者。
Most people will develop detectable antibodies by 30 days after infection with HIV 1,2. 很多人在感染HIV病毒后30天内就可以被检测出来是否感染。
Most people will recoil from a poisonous snake if they suddenly meet one. 大多数人在突然遇见一条毒蛇时都会退缩。
Most people will see it is anticlockwise, but some people may see it is clockwise. 大部分人的眼里是逆时针方向转动,但也有人看来是顺时针方向转动的。
Most people with osteoporosis are women. 且患骨质疏松症的多为女性。

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