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donepezil combined with Gingko biloba extract group of patients (M , F 9; age (79±) a) received donepezil mg, po, qd for wk and Gingko bilba extract 80 mg, po, tid for wk.
多奈哌齐加银杏叶提取物组 [男性 例 ,女性 9例 ,年龄 (79± )a],给多奈哌齐 mg ,po ,qd× wk ,加银杏叶提取物 80mg ,po ,tid× wk。

dislocation of knee joint accompanied by avulsed fracture of caput fibulae and injury of common peroneal nerve in one case. 例膝关节脱位者伴腓骨小头撕脱性骨折及腓总神经损伤。
dispar Davis, R. disparDavis,克里柱隔孢R.
disturb individual Network communication; 干扰个人网上通信,包括垃圾邮件泛滥和监看私人电子邮件。
disturb signal processor; 干扰信号处理器;
dominant species of shrub layer changed from strong-masculine to relatively neutral,dominant species of herb layer changed from carex brunnea and ficus tikoua to pteridophyte. 林下灌木层由强阳性种趋向中性种,林下草本层由栗褐苔草和地果占优势变为蕨类植物占优势;
donepezil combined with Gingko biloba extract group of patients (M , F 9; age (79±) a) received donepezil mg, po, qd for wk and Gingko bilba extract 80 mg, po, tid for wk. 多奈哌齐加银杏叶提取物组 [男性 例 ,女性 9例 ,年龄 (79± )a],给多奈哌齐 mg ,po ,qd× wk ,加银杏叶提取物 80mg ,po ,tid× wk。
double sleeve right upper middle lobectomy, carinal and SVC resection and reconstruction in cases; 支气管肺动脉袖状成形右肺中上叶切除、气管隆凸切除重建 ,合并上腔静脉切除人造血管重建术 例 ;
during saccharification, the use level of high protein barley controlled below 0 %, saccharification temperature dropped at ℃, the proportion of dextrin and maltose as ∶8., pH value of sweet mash and boiling wort as .~. and .~. respectively; 在糖化过程中 ,高蛋白含量大麦用量控制在 0 %以下 ,降低糖化温度为℃ ,糊精与麦芽糖的比例控制在∶8. ,调整糖化醪的 pH为.~.,煮沸麦汁的 pH为.~.;
e. , h and h. It was sowed by the results that the best combination was 0 mg/kg of GGR treated for h,or 00 mg/kg of IBA treated for h to save the cost and to enhance the effectiveness of cottage propagation. 在全光照喷雾条件下,将GGR-号、萘乙酸、吲哚丁酸配制成种不同浓度,经过 h和 h两种不同时间,处理银缕梅插穗,进行扦插试验,结果表明:从节约成本提高效益出发,最优处理方案可设计为0 mg/kg GGR-号处理 h,或用00 mg/kg吲哚丁酸处理 h.
e. ,the 00 ̄0nm chromatin fibre was coiled by ca. 00nm chromatin fibre,and in ture,the later was coiled by 00 ̄0nm chromatin fibre. 果显示,较高等级的染色质纤维是由较低等级的染色质纤维逐步螺旋形成的,即:00~0nm的染色质纤维由00nm左右的染色质纤维螺旋而成,而后者又是由00~0nm的染色质纤维螺旋而成的
e. copper,ammonia and carbondioxide,is 0. 0 grammes per gramme lignite,and the mole ratio of those species onthe lignite is generally ::(Cu:NH_ :CO_). 所吸附的 Cu、NH_ 及 CO_的克分子比,通常为∶∶。

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