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All butterfly valves may incorporate the use of silicone in either grease or aerosol form during the assembly.

All but the morning star have disappeared. 除掉金星以外其他的星星全都消失了。
All but the most absurdly optimistic Chelsea fan knew that win, lose or draw, the team were in for a difficult ride at Anfield once the team news was announced. 只有乐观得过于盲目的切迷才会不知道,自从“球队新闻”(指官网上一篇文章,说切赫回;卡瓦略病;费雷拉和埃辛中卫;格雷米右后)发布的那一刻起,无论结局是赢、平甚至输,球队在安菲尔德的比赛都会是无比艰难的。
All but the top of the tablet has been eroded by calcium carbonate, and the inscriptions have become unreadable. 寺后有一石峰,除碑檐外,几乎被碳酸钙沉积淹没,碑文已不可辨认。
All but three of the codons correspond to particular amino acids, and the order of the codons in the nucleic acid corresponds to the order of the amino acids in the protein. 所有三个基码同特定的氨基酸相吻合,而基码在核酸中的顺序,同氨基酸在蛋白质中的顺序一致。
All but two of the city's 17 concrete grain elevators lie empty, flanked by overgrown railway tracks. 17座由混凝土修筑的活动谷仓有15座闲置,过剩的铁路线在两侧簇拥着。
All butterfly valves may incorporate the use of silicone in either grease or aerosol form during the assembly. 在组装期间,所有蝶阀都可能接触到润滑脂或气溶胶喷射中的硅酮。
All calf starters must meet the above requirement. 所有的犊牛料都必须满足上述营养需要。
All can start from scratch as long as life continues. 只要一息尚存,一切可以从头开始。
All carbon steel body ball valves come with carbon steel handles. 所有碳钢阀体球阀都配置碳钢手柄。
All cars require servicing regularly. 所有汽车都需要定期检修.
All cases could not be differentiated from the other kinds of toxicosis by clinical manifestations,and toxin chemical analysis was the sole definite diagnosis method. 结果发现:15例毒鼠强中毒患者均不能仅通过病史和临床症状与氟乙酰胺等毒物中毒区分,必须进行毒物分析来获得可靠的诊断。

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