The rhinoceros has one horn on its nose.
犀牛鼻子上有一个角。 |
The rhizome of cultivated Rheum in Qunjia of Qinghai province, was picked broke into cortex, phloem, xylem and marrow, the content of Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn, Co, Ni elements of the every tissue was analyzed by atom absorb spectrum.
采集青海群加地区种植大黄根茎,分为皮层、韧皮部、木质部和髓部等四部分,采用原子吸收光谱法分别测试了其不同组织中铜、锌、铁、锰、钻、镍等元素含量。 |
The rhizosphere microflora dynamics of bacteria, actinomyces, fungi and four bacterial physiological groups of Kentucky bluegrass under different quality of illumination were studied by adopting selective culture medium to explain scientifically response
摘要研究了草地早熟禾在不同光照条件下其根际与非根际细菌、真菌、放线菌以及氨化细菌、硝化细菌、好气性纤维素分解菌、固氮菌生理类群的区系动态变化,拟从根际土壤微生物数量变化方面来阐述草地早熟禾对不同光照条件的响应规律。 |
The rhyme about the house that Jack built (“This is the farmer sowing the corn / That kept the cock that crowed in the morn /...That lay in the house that Jack built”) is an example of such a sentence.
杰克盖房子的童诗(这是农夫种的玉米田,这些玉米养活每天早上啼叫的公鸡……,那就放在杰克盖的房子里),就是这种语句的範例。 |
The rhymes in their Modern-style poems can be divided into 19 rhyme categories.
其近体诗的用韵,可以分为十九部,这些分部多与元代韵部相同,但又有新的发展。 |
The rhythm doesn't slow down and there is a lot of suspense.
影片非常有节奏感,而且悬念迭生。 |
The rhythm is higher and it is a more aggressive, but still fair game. I can learn a lot here and bring it back to my club.
节奏更快,对抗更强,都是公平竞争。我学习到了很多东西,我会将这些经验都带回到俱乐部。 |
The rhythm of life is so leisurely all the time, like the romantic saxophone melody that makes one intoxicated.
仔细品味成都人的说话,你会发现他(她)们善于在每句话的末尾加上一个感情细腻的声助词,例如“嘛、哇、哦……”等等。 |
The rhythm of modern dance, African and Brazilian drum-and-dance performance presented by Rico Tsoi and Dr. Lung Heung-wing's Island Sun Drum will surely heat up your body.
由龙向荣博士领导的小岛阳光鼓乐团呈献巴西及非洲鼓舞,配合蔡伟雄舞蹈中心节奏十足的现代舞,热力澎湃,动感满分! |
The rhythm of the music made everyone want to dance.
音乐的节奏让每个人听了都不禁想随之起舞。 |
The rhythmic pattern of a stanza, determined by the kind and number of lines.
韵律一个诗节的韵律格式,由诗节中诗行的类型和数量而定 |