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You should probably ease up on the amount of time you hang with your best bud.

You should peruse the terms and conditions carefully before using any service. 在使用服务前必须仔细阅读使用条款及细则。
You should plan to review these slides before coming to class. 来上课前,你必须要先预习投影片内容。
You should play outside instead of working indoors. 你应该到外面玩玩,不该闷在屋里工作。
You should present evidences to convince the judge of your innocence. 你得摆出证据使法官相信 你的清白.
You should prevent from the thieves. 你当然应该防备小偷.
You should probably ease up on the amount of time you hang with your best bud. 你也许应该减少跟你最好的朋友在一起的时间。
You should produce a similar Letter of Guarantee jointly signed by two banks. 你方应该提交有两家银行签署的保证函。
You should protect certaintly from the thieves. 你当然应该防备小偷.
You should protect your heads. 最好戴上,头部。
You should provide against thieves. 你当然应该防备小偷.
You should provide enough examples or other details to support your point of views. 你必须提供足够的例证或其他详细的来支持您的观点。

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