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Fourthly, the ascent of powers in the past usually took place on a double policy of request for open trade on other nations while enforcing trade protectionism for themselves, and those powers closed their own doors tightly when forcing open the doors of

Fourthly, one training match should be fixed on wednesday with a rest period and a pig in the middle following. 第四,电脑默认的星期三的训练比赛应该改成休息周期,以及安排溜猴。
Fourthly, realizing the need to maintain comradeship and our unique culture, I have organized official and social functions for the Force. 第四,为维持辅警的团队精神及独特的文化,我筹办了多项官式及联谊活动。
Fourthly, service facilities are completed. 四是建成了完善的配套服务设施。
Fourthly, speed the construction of education network, which can provide a platform for the joint resources of higher vocational education. 四、加快教育信息化建设,为高职教育资源共享提供平台。
Fourthly, study around absorbing all kinds of new knowledge. 四要围绕吸收接纳各种新知识开展学习。
Fourthly, the ascent of powers in the past usually took place on a double policy of request for open trade on other nations while enforcing trade protectionism for themselves, and those powers closed their own doors tightly when forcing open the doors of 第四,历史上一个大国的兴起通常实行的是对外的贸易开放主义与对内的贸易保护主义的双重政策,在武力打开别国大门同时,把自己的国门关得紧紧的。
Fourthly, the number of participants and parties functionally involved in e-money transactions tends to be greater than in conventional transactions. 第四,电子货币交易中所涉及的参与人和团体的数量要比普通交易中的多的多。
Fourthly, the two sports cultures are both basically based on people, pursuing the friendship among people and the peace over the world. 第四,从根本上讲,两种体育文化都是“以人为本”的,追求人们之间的友谊与人世的和平。
Fourthly, they have seen fit to rely, in case of necessity, or high expediency, on their known and admitted power to alter or amend the constitution, peaceably and quietly, whenever experience shall point out defects or imperfections. 第四,任何时候,当经验指出宪法中的缺点和不完善之处时,在必要情况下,或利害攸关时,他们会依靠他们所知道的并认为是有效的权力和平而平静地去改变或修正宪法,如果他们认为这样做是合适的话。
Fourthly,ChinaMobilehas shown its advantage on the business. During its operation, China Mobile has always paid a lot of attention to the development of its new technology and new business. 第四,中国移动通信的优势还体现在业务方面。中国移动通信在运营中向来重视新技术、新业务的发展,在新技术和新业务方面投入了较大的力度。
Fourthly, we can learn a foreign language more quickly. 最后,我们可以借此更快地提高我们的外语水平。

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