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You want to search the galaxy until you find him?

1 You want to live at your office. Why? Give it to me straight. 已记 看解释
2 You want to organize navigation between widgets on your screen in a manner thatusers will find familiar to them. 已记 看解释
3 You want to pick up bacterial meningitis or polio. You go ahead and be my guest. 已记 看解释
4 You want to punch them in the honker because apparently Great Whites (and my advice is strictly to applied only to this particular breed of shark) rely upon the transmission of sophisticated electromagnetic signals via these weird gel filled pores in thei 已记 看解释
5 You want to reach them as soon as possible. 已记 看解释
6 You want to search the galaxy until you find him? 已记 看解释
7 You want to shoot at leaders, enemy snipers/designated marksmen, machinegunners, radiomen, and other high-value targets. 已记 看解释
8 You want to take it outside ?Anytime! 已记 看解释
9 You want to take it outside? Anytime! 已记 看解释
10 You want to take this outside? 已记 看解释
11 You want to walk and you want to watch the telly but after five, ten, fifteen minutes you are really tired and you have to stop. 已记 看解释

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