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Perhaps the customs are different.

Perhaps the best-known example of a double-edged genetic mutation is the one responsible for sickle cell disease. 镰状细胞贫血症大概是这些利弊互存的遗传疾病中,最著名的例子。
Perhaps the biggest challenge will be to equip developing nations with the technology to burn fossil fuels more cleanly, for example, by \'scrubbing\' carbon dioxide from coal-fired power plants. 也许最严峻的挑战是给那些发展中国家装备更为清洁地燃烧矿物燃料的技术,例如,从火电厂的煤中除掉二氧化碳。
Perhaps the biggest myth Yi dispelled was that he's some kind of big lumbering center. 也许易建联的表现让人们打消的最大疑虑就是他并不是流言中所说的那个“傻大个”。
Perhaps the crescent moon smiles in doubt at being told it is fragment awaiting perfection. 新月听说它是一块期待圆融的岁片时,或许会疑惑的浅笑。
Perhaps the crescent moon smiles in doubt at being told that it is a fragment awaiting perfection. 当新月听说它只是一片等待圆满的碎屑时,也许会迟疑地微笑了。
Perhaps the customs are different. 也许是因为风俗习惯不同。
Perhaps the day will come when people will be able to breathe clean air in cities. 或许,人们在城市里能呼吸新鲜空气的日子将会到来。
Perhaps the dollar's rally has been prompted by the diverging monetary policies of the US Federal Reserve and European Central Bank. 或许是美联储和欧洲央行有分歧的货币政策推动了美元的回升。
Perhaps the easiest of all tea locations to visit is the city of Hangzhou in China's largest tea-producing province, Zhejiang. 或许在所有茶乡中,中国浙江省的杭州市是交通最为便利的。
Perhaps the easiest way to practice the principle of Pack it In, Pack it Out is to plan ahead and prepare. 可能履行“带来、带走”原则的最简单的方法就是提前计划和准备。
Perhaps the easiest way to wear this look is by teaming jeans with an Indian inspired or floral print top. 也许,这种风格的最简单穿法就是用一条有印度风情或是有花卉印染的上衣来搭配牛仔裤。

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