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There is no atypia and no mitotic figures.

There is no alleviation for the sufferings of mankind except veracity of thought and action and the resolute facing of the world as it is. 人类的痛苦是不会减轻的,除非我们具有真正的思想行为,并以坚定的决心去面对现实的世界。
There is no amount of good works we can do to save ourselves from being eternally separated from God. 我们不可能通过做好事来拯救自己,挽救自己不会永远与神分离。
There is no answer: Everyone at the rally acknowledges it is an uphill battle. 并无答案,大家在集会上承认这是一场艰苦的战斗。
There is no any drainage works, no garbage disposal area so that garbage rush away anywhere in rainfall time, no hardening of road and no afforestation in these villages, allmentioned above are the main reasons for severe soil and water loss. 村内村外未建排水设施,村里不设垃圾处理场,大雨时垃圾四处流散,路面未硬化,村庄未绿化,是造成严重水土流失的主要原因。
There is no appreciable distinction between the twins. 在这对孪生子之间看不出有什么明显的差别。
There is no atypia and no mitotic figures. 无不典型和分裂像。
There is no available direct steamer for your port this month. 本月没有驶往贵港的直达轮船。
There is no beau ideal in the world .So called beau ideal asks for mutual adaptability.Beau ideal is equal to your best doing plus your spouse's. 世界上没有十全十美的人,真正十全十美是双方互相适应。你应该要求对方五全五美,再加上自己的五全五美,去凑成十全十美。
There is no benefit in saling all at a discount. 把所有的产品都降价出售没有什么好处。
There is no better or more blessed bondage than to be a prisoner of hope. 做希望的俘虏,是为无上的幸福所束缚.
There is no better way to understand the culture by experiencing it! The volunteers tried out the traditional natural dyeing. 义工一同学习传统漂染技术,亲身体验首尔传统文化。

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