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If the technological conditions are well adjusted in aluminium electrolysis, the production using low molecular ratio electrolyte can achieve high efficiency and low energy consumption.

If the teacher changes like this, is the game fair ? Why? 老师如果这样改,游戏公平吗?为什么?
If the teacher finds out, we're goners. 如果被老师发现,我们就完蛋了。
If the team can take the lead, can it push on and increase it, never mind defend it. 如果球队能够率先进球,那么能不能再加把劲,继续扩大比分,而不是只考虑守住领先优势?
If the team is unable to try out ideas without rebuke for errors, then the scope of their solutions will be severely limited. 这样和外人(特别是管理层)交谈时让自己的团队听到尤其有效。
If the teams' health holds up, though, we do know. The Pistons and Spurs are on course for what looks to be inevitable -- another championship collision. 尽管如此,假设活塞保持健康活力,那么活塞与马刺无疑会在又一场冠军争霸赛上狭路相逢。
If the technological conditions are well adjusted in aluminium electrolysis, the production using low molecular ratio electrolyte can achieve high efficiency and low energy consumption. 在铝电解生産中只要调整好工艺条件,采用低分子比生産是能够实现高效低耗的。
If the telecommunication operator does not receive he user's reply confirming the subscription, it cannot be regarded as a tacit subscription, and the fees cannot be charged. 若电信业务经营者未收到来自用户的确认订制的反馈信息,不得视为默认订制,不得收取相关费用。
If the term is too technical, DEFINE it. 如果术语太技巧话,那么就好好的为它给出一个定义。
If the term “normality” is to refer either to what is anthropologically fundamental or to what is culturally universal, then neither it nor its antonym can be meaningfully applied to the varying forms of human sexuality. 如果“常态”也指人类学上的基础或是文化上的普遍性,那麽这个词及它的反义词都不能有意义地应用在各种人类性特徵的形式。
If the termnormalityis to refer either to what is anthropological fundamental or to what is culturally univeral, then neither it or its antonym can be meaningfully applied to the varying forms of human sexuality. 如果这个术语:「文化中规範的标准」,是人类学基础的或是文化上普遍的,那麽它或者它的反义词都不可能有意义地适用于各种人类性行为的形式。
If the terrorism were eliminated, we would live in a peaceful world. 如果恐怖主义被消灭了,我们的世界就和平了。

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