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In recent years, with the intensification of market competition, the instant growing of mass clients and the force of demand diversity, China telecom more and more highlights the construction of mass client channel to improve the whole service level of en

In recent years, various plastics also have gained acceptance. 近些年,已经采用各种各样的塑料。
In recent years, warming has produced a shift: the Arctic now appears to be a net source of carbon dioxide. 近年来,暖化已经造成影响:北极变成了二氧化碳的生产地。
In recent years, with the development of the jewelry market and the machining industry in China, the jadeite market is still growing, and an integrated market system from raw material purchase, manufacture to wholesale and retail has been formed. 摘要近年来,随着我国珠宝首饰及其加工业的不断发展,翡翠市场业方兴未艾,形成了从原料采购、加工到批发零售的较完整的市场体系,形势喜人。
In recent years, with the high speed development of economy, environment has paid out disastrous cost; especially in some towns which are in primary phases of industrialization, environment protection and construction can't keep abrest with the requiremen 摘要近年来,生态环境保护与建设从整体上落后于经济发展的步伐,不能适应经济发展和公众对高质量生活的要求,已成为制约经济社会可持续发展的一个重要“瓶颈”,也是全面建设小康社会进程中一个需要解决的难点问题。
In recent years, with the increase of suspension, dropout and even suicide and crimes caused by students' psychological problems or illnesses, some educators advocate that the whole society should pay enough attention to college students' psychological he 近年来,针对大学生因心理因素引发的心理疾病导致的休学、退学,甚至自杀、犯罪等事件不断增多的现象,一些教育专家呼吁全社会对大学生心理健康予以足够重视。
In recent years, with the intensification of market competition, the instant growing of mass clients and the force of demand diversity, China telecom more and more highlights the construction of mass client channel to improve the whole service level of en 摘要近年来,随着市场竞争的加剧公众客户的激增以及需求多样化的迫使,中国电信越来越重视通过公众客户营销渠道的建设来提升企业整体的服务水平。
In recent years, with the raising of train speed, the construction of the fast passenger line, and the development of high-speed railway and mass rail transit, wheel/rail noise is paid attention greatly in China. 摘要近年来,随着我国铁路列车提速、快速客运专线的建设、高速铁路以及城市轨道交通的发展,轮轨噪声在国内开始受到关注。
In recent years, with the upsurge of high-tech firms like Baoye Housing Group, Jinggong Science and Technology, Jinggong Preiss-Daimler Steel Building and Changtai Machinery, several sectors are quite eye-catching: ①Intelligence housing development;②, R&D 近年来,随着宝业住宅产业、精工科技、精工钢结构、长泰机械等一批高新技术企业的迅速崛起,华舍发展出现了几个新亮点:①智能化住宅开发;②节能环保型材料、新型建筑体系研发;③专用汽车及配件、建材机械、纺织机械研发、生产;④重钢、轻钢及空间钢结构建筑设计、制作、安装。
In recent years, yellow rice wine enterprises laid stress on enterprise structure regulation and marketing innovation and wine products were popular among more and more consumers, which accelerated yellow rice wine industry development. 摘要当前,黄酒行业经济效益增幅较高,基础建设投资增加,新工艺、新技术推广应用步伐加快,黄酒消费市场不断扩展和延伸。
In recent years,Chuangang strike out in another way from competitive market.Aimed at the huge potential of international home-textile market,Chuangang take the lead in developing and manufacturing goods for decorate and homespun,and also built sewing work 近几年来,川冈公司瞄准国际家饰市场的巨大潜力,在市场竞争日趋激烈的情况下另辟蹊径,率先开发和生产适用于家饰及家纺用途的系列产品,并建立了自己的家纺厂.
In recent years,cooking fume pollution is given to more and more attention.In this paper,the main pollutant compositions of cooking fume were analyzed,and some harm of cooking fume to human were introduced.Five kinds of treatment technology,inertia separa 分析了油烟中的主要污染物成分,介绍了油烟对人体健康的几种危害,并对现有的五种处理技术:惯性分离、过滤分离、洗涤去除、静电沉积、复合技术进行了详尽的分析比较,列举了一些应用实例。

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