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The outside pressure of school, work, and everyday life also place great stress upon individual and family well-being.

The outright rate is the spot rate adjusted by the points of discount or premium. 直接标出的汇率是按升水或贴水的点调整的即期汇率。
The outside building cable is also referred to as the communication system backbone. 建筑物外部布线也归为通信系统中枢。
The outside design adopts the shape of Yuzhu Dragon which was unearthed in West Liaoning area and represents Hongshan culture, and the inside adornment design is solemn and graceful. 功能齐备设有大剧场、小剧场、电影厅、多功能厅、餐厅、酒吧、排练厅、演员配套公寓和地下停车场。
The outside diameter of copper tube shall be tested by Micrometer. The tooth depth and the bottom wall thickness shall be tested by Microscope. 外径尺寸用外径千分尺测量.齿高和底壁厚用双目倒置小金相测量。
The outside diameter of the self-contained bearing is spherical to match corresponding spherical inside diameter of the housing providing self-aligning between these two members, which compensates for misalignments of the units resulted from errors in mou 轴承的外径与轴承座内径为球面配合,两者之间具有自动调心功能,可补偿因安装误差产生的轴线不重合及安装底面的变形。
The outside pressure of school, work, and everyday life also place great stress upon individual and family well-being. 来自学校、工作和日常生活以外的压力也给每个人和家庭带来极为沉重的负担。
The outside-right headed a very nice goal. 这右边锋顶了一个非常好的进球。
The outsider sees the most of the game. 旁观者清。
The outsourcing of the most important position in basketball is now complete. 在篮球中外购[此处请高手指正,译者注]最重要位置球员的时代已经结束。
The outspreal of cities endanger wild animals. 市区的伸展危及到了野生动物。
The outstanding achievement won't be flourishing, If there's not a good management. 没有良好的经营管理,事业就不会兴旺发达。

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