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When they sat down together, the man would lean forward, thrusting out his chest, while the woman would start twirling her hair.

When they returned later, the body of Jesus had gone! 当他们后来返回时,耶稣的尸体不见了!
When they returned to the bus, the girl sat with Vingo again, and after a while, slowly and painfully, he told his story. 当他们回到车上时,那个女孩又坐到他身边,过了一会儿,温格才缓慢而且痛楚地诉说起他的经历。
When they returned to the city ,the father asked casually ,”So,how was the trip ,son ? 当他们回到城里后,那位父亲不经意地问起:“儿子,这趟旅行如何?”
When they reveal their results for the past year, there will be plenty of opportunity to reflect on how short-lived the digital boom has been for most of them. 当它们公布去年的财报时,很有可能将会表明,对于它们中的大多数来说,数码产品繁荣期是短暂的。
When they rubbed the bottle, a genie appeared. 也是当他们擦这个瓶子时,精灵出现了。
When they sat down together, the man would lean forward, thrusting out his chest, while the woman would start twirling her hair. 当他们比肩而坐时,男士可能会向前倾,挺直胸膛,而女士则开始捻弄她们的头发。
When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 17他们见了耶稣就拜他.然而还有人疑惑。
When they saw it, they all began to grumble, saying, He has gone to be the guest of a man who is a sinner. 路19:7众人看见、都私下议论说、他竟到罪人家里去住宿。
When they saw me emerge from the building they called security and soon I was taken to the campus clinic. 看到我出来,他们叫了保安,接着我便被送到了学校诊所。
When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus. 13他们见彼得约翰的胆量、又看出他们原是没有学问的小民、就希奇、认明他们是跟过耶稣的。
When they saw the sick man approach, they rushed up and herded him into the palace. 当他们看到病人来到时,他们冲了上来,赶着他进入了宫殿。

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