Manufaction of Paraffin Section on Mimosa pudica
含羞草石蜡切片的制作 |
The Late Stages of Autophagy
自噬过程的晚期阶段 |
Speciation analysis of cadmium in seaweed
镉在海藻中的化学形态 |
GmAREB Gene Improves Tolerances to Drought and Oxidation in Transgenic Arabidopsis
转GmAREB基因提高拟南芥的干旱、氧化胁迫耐性 |
Rational design of α-helical antimicrobial peptide with Val and Arg residues
利用精氨酸和缬氨酸设计新型α-螺旋抗菌肽(英文) |
Construction of cDNA Library of Andrias davidianus Skin Tissue with Analyzing the cDNA Sequence and Expression of Arpc5l Gene
大鲵皮肤cDNA文库构建及Arpc5l基因cDNA序列和组织表达分析 |
Optimization and construction of the intracellular and extracellular proteomic map of FFC2146
酿酒酵母FFC2146胞内蛋白及胞外蛋白双向电泳条件优化及图谱建立 |
Microbial diversity in Diaphorina citri (Homoptera:Psyllidae) estimated by 16S rDNA analysis using DGGE and RFLP
基于16S rDNA序列的柑桔木虱体内共生菌多样性研究 |
Research Progress of CBF/DREB Transcription Factor and Dwarfism
CBF/DREB转录因子与植物矮化的相关性研究进展 |
The Humanity Marches into the Low-Carbon Time
人类步入低碳时代 |
Small RNA molecules and regulation of spermatogenesis
小RNA分子与精子发生调控 |