China Great Wall Asset Management Company is established with the approval of the State Council, has an independent legal personality of the wholly state-owned financial enterprises, the company registered capital 10 billion yuan, the full weight into by
中国长城资产管理公司是经国务院批准成立的,具有独立法人资格的国有独资金融企业,公司注册资本金100亿元人民币,由财政部全额拔入。 |
China Henan International Cooperation Group Co.Ltd.(abbreviated ad CHICO) has begun to face the international market and started its undertaking through arduous effort since its founding.
中国河南国际合作集团有限公司(CHICO)从诞生之日起,就面向国际市场艰苦创业。 |
China Hui Yuan Juice Holdings Co., Ltd (“Hui Yuan”).
达能集团今天宣布获得中国汇源果汁有限公司(“汇源”)22.18%的股份。 |
China International Book Publishing Limited (CIBP) is a globally oriented communities, Chinese culture to the global cause of research, promotion and dissemination of comprehensive books published agencies, headquartered in Hong Kong, some outstanding boo
中国国际图书出版有限公司(CIBP)是一家面向全球华人地区,致力于全球华人文化事业的研究、推广与传播的综合性图书出版发行机构,总部设在香港.部分优秀书刊被中国国家图书馆、香港政府图书馆、大英图书馆、美国国会图书馆等世界著名资讯机构收藏、展示。 |
China International Sports Surface Test Center (CIST), jointly set up by the Chinese Basketball Association, the International Sportsfloor Test Association(IST) and so on, is the third examination organization engaging in the sports surface examination wi
中体建科国际运动地面检测中心(英文缩写CIST),是由中国篮球协会、国际体育地面科学学会(IST)等中外四家联合组建,是亚洲唯一从事专业体育运动地面研究检测并具有独立法人地位的第三方检测机构。 |
China International Travel Service is offering you an interesting tour program that is characteristic of Chinese national culture.
中国国际旅行社为各位安排了富有中国民族文化特色的有趣的旅游线路。 |
China Life Insurance Company is the largest life insurance companies, the South China Sea Branch of the National Performance is the best branch, the South China Sea life insurance market is the largest market for occupants, the high reached 92% market sha
中国人寿保险股份有限公司是全国最大的寿险公司,所在南海分公司是全国业绩最好的分公司,亦是南海寿险市场的最大市场占有者,市场份额高达到92%,是分支机构最完善的寿险市场。 |
China Life Insurance, the country's biggest insurer, said its 1H06 earnings up 72% YoY, beating market expectations.
中国最大保险公司中国人寿上半年盈利激增72%,超出市场预期。 |
China Life's shares trade for eight times book, or more, depending on the share class used.
中国人寿的交易价格,是帐面价值的八倍,甚至更多(不同的证券交易所股价有所差别)。 |
China Mobile Ltd., market leader in the world's biggest cellphone market, is making an aggressive push into the wireless Internet sector, squeezing out smaller content providers.
尽管运营商与网络服务供应商之间发生争斗的情况并不罕见,但在中国这个规模庞大且发展迅速的市场,这场争斗尤其引人瞩目。 |
China Mobile Phone Manufacturing Technology Forum 2005 will be held on 13 -14 Oct, 2005, as an essential activity for the 7th CHTF - electronic show.
第二届中国手机制造技术论坛将作为第七届高交会电子展的重要活动之一,于2005年10月13-14日举行。 |