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This article reviews the latest progress of nucleoside analogues on the treatment of multiple myeloma in recent years and introduces the mechanism of action,preclinical study and clinical application of Fludarabine and Gemcitabine in treating multiple mye

This article reviews the development about study and clinical trial of relationship between cardiovascular diseases and osteoporosis. 笔者从基础研究、临床试验结果等方面,对近年来有关心血管疾病与骨质疏松症之间的关系的最新进展作一简单综述。
This article reviews the development of tuition fee and, support policies for college students in England, examining how it changed from tuition free with support to tuition charge with support throughout the 20th century. 摘要从20世纪初到70年代末,英国政府在大学实行的是免费加助学金政策,在80年代以后,经济困境使得这种政策有所改变。
This article reviews the development on studies of the structure, function and catalytic pathway of nitric oxide synthase (NOS). The structure-function relationship and oxygenation mechanism of the iNOS were discussed. 摘要综述了一氧化氮合酶的结构、功能和催化路径,讨论了诱导型一氧化氮合酶的结构和功能的关系以及加氧氧化的机理。
This article reviews the developments of studies in inorganic synthesis and preparative chemistry in vital aspects such as the extreme condition synthesis, soft chemistry, the preparation of specially condensed and aggregated materials, morphology and siz 摘要本文从极端条件合成、软化学合成、特殊凝聚态和聚集态制备、形貌与尺寸修饰、缺陷与价态控制、组合化学合成、计算机辅助合成、理想合成与生物模拟合成等几个侧面,阐述近年来无机合成与制备化学研究的进展。
This article reviews the historical process of the medical education development in Japan and analyzes the factors which have caused the recent changes so as to provide an overview of the current situation of Japanese medical education,as well as some per 本文回顾了日本医学教育的前进历程,着重分析近年来医学教育改革的主要影响因素,并提出了一些未来设想,旨在使读者对日本医学教育现状有一个较为全面的认识。
This article reviews the latest progress of nucleoside analogues on the treatment of multiple myeloma in recent years and introduces the mechanism of action,preclinical study and clinical application of Fludarabine and Gemcitabine in treating multiple mye 综述了近年来核苷类似物治疗多发性骨髓瘤的最新研究进展,介绍核苷类似物氟达拉滨和吉西他滨治疗多发性骨髓瘤的作用机制、基础研究和临床应用。
This article reviews the main aspects of application of molecular markers in pea, including genetic diversity, the construction of genetic map, gene localization and QTL analysis. 作者综述了豌豆分子标记的种类及其在豌豆种质资源遗传多样性、遗传图谱构建、基因定位、QTL分析等方面的研究进展。
This article reviews the most recent studies highlighting the advances, the problems and future prospects of gene therapy. 本文主要综述基因治疗所取得的突出进展、所遇到的困难和发展前景。
This article reviews the notable advances. 本文评述了一些主要研究发展。
This article reviews the related ophthalmic journals in the last ten years to address the topic of current trends of resident education in ophthalmology. 本文搜集近十年内眼科期刊上,住院医师敎育改革的相关文章,并加以整理,以简要说明目前眼科医学敎育的新趋势。
This article sets as its goal the development of comparative constitutional reform, providing analytical instrument for domestic political development, and enriching the research agenda of the study of nascent democracies. 本文冀图发展宪改模式之比较性研究,一方面为国内之政治发展提供分析工具,一方面丰富新兴民主国家之研究议题。

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