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About 20 percent of women who received peer counseling exclusively breastfed for 3 months, versus just over 1 percent of other mothers, according to findings published in the September issue of the Archives of Pediatrics &Adolescent Medicine.

About 2 seconds later the object sped to the south and the witness lost sight of it behind the pier. 约2秒钟后,物体赶往南部和证人忽略它背后的码头.
About 2 years related working experience in airfreight or ocean freight forwarding industry. 两年以上相关空运或海运工作经验者优先.
About 2,300 years ago, there lived in Greece a great thinker named Aristotle. 大约两千三百年以前,在希腊住着一位名叫亚里斯多德的伟大的思想家.
About 2,500 children are born each year in the United States with a neural tube defect. 例如,在美国,每年有大约2,500个儿童产生时患有该病。
About 2/3 of the time went into research and modelling, with the rest going to texturing and finalising details. 大概三分之二的时间是在这种研究和模型制造中度过的,剩余的时间花在了创建材质与确定细节上。
About 20 percent of women who received peer counseling exclusively breastfed for 3 months, versus just over 1 percent of other mothers, according to findings published in the September issue of the Archives of Pediatrics &Adolescent Medicine. 接受同侪谘商的妇女中,约20%会连续三月只喂母乳,相形之下其他刚生产的妈妈仅逾1%会这麽做,根据小儿暨青少年医学档案9月号刊登的结果显示。
About 20,000 police will be involved in providing security for the president′s visit, which will last less than seven hours. 除了与哥伦比亚领导人的会面之外,布什总统还将参加聚会以显示美国的支持不仅仅局限于禁毒领域。
About 200 Islamic demo trators gathered outside the courthouse where hundreds of police officers armed with water ca on were deployed to prevent po ible violence. Demo tratio were peaceful. 法庭外面聚集了约200名伊斯兰示威群众,数百名配备高压水龙的警察严阵以待,以防止出现可能的暴力,不过示威活动是和平进行的。
About 200 Islamic demonstrators gathered outside the courthouse where hundreds of police officers armed with water cannon were deployed to prevent possible violence. Demonstrations were peaceful. 法庭外面聚集了约200名伊斯兰示威群众,数百名配备高压水龙的警察严阵以待,以防止出现可能的暴力,不过示威活动是和平进行的。
About 200 Israeli police entered the compound after Friday prayers, firing tear gas canisters and stun grenades to di erse the protesters. 大约200名以色列警察星期五晚祷后进入清真寺大院,用催泪弹和眩晕手榴弹驱散抗议人群。
About 200 Israeli police entered the compound after Friday prayers, firing tear gas canisters and stun grenades to disperse the protesters. 大约200名以色列警察星期五晚祷后进入清真寺大院,用催泪弹和眩晕手榴弹驱散抗议人群。

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