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At the heart of the Synergy N9’s drive train is a steel centrifugal clutch.

At the headquarters of Alibaba.com, Jack Ma, Chairman and CEO of Alibaba Group, gave a briefing to the delegation about the world famous B2B online company. 在阿里巴巴集团总部,阿里巴巴集团董事局主席兼首席执行官马云向代表团一行简要介绍了这一世界著名的B2B网络公司。
At the hearing, you will be asked questions and you will have an opportunity to give oral evidence and present arguments in support of your claims. 在该听讼会时,我们要求你回答一些问题,你将有提供口头的证据的机会,以及提交所有可以支持你所坚持的观点的证据文件。
At the heart of Mr Rush's lyricism are his descriptions of the people who influenced him as a boy: his violent drunkard of a father, an “intruder from the open ocean whose ship had gone wrong”; old Leebie, a coil of blue tobacco smoke hanging round her he 在这些抒情诗般的描绘中,拉什的重心在于描写其孩提时代对他深有影响的那些人:他粗暴的酒鬼父亲,一个“驶坏了船只,来自大洋的入侵者”;老利比,她会边吸烟边向孩子们讲述她的祖先如何在特拉法加战役之后处理保护了纳尔逊子爵的尸身,这时袅袅的青烟便在她的头部周围划成了一个烟圈;还有他的祖父——也许是所有人中影响他最深的一个人,因为他对这个属于海洋的男人的喜爱始终贯穿于全书,这一点就像潮水的涨退一样确信不疑。
At the heart of every good sentence is a strong, precise verb; the converse is true as well -- at the core of most confusing, awkward, or wordy sentences lies a weak verb. 任何佳句,其核心都是一个强有力而精准的动词.反过来说也一样,大多数令人费解,难懂或冗长的句子肯定有个动词软弱无力.
At the heart of most of these systems is a virus “scanner”. 这些系统的核心大多是一个叫“扫描器”的病毒。
At the heart of the Synergy N9’s drive train is a steel centrifugal clutch. 在繁华的协同n9的传动系统是钢铁离心离合器.
At the heart of the artwork is a set of four monstrously massive stars, collectively called the Trapezium. 在艺术品的心脏地带是四颗怪兽般的大质量恒星的集合体,统称为猎户座四边形。
At the heart of the case is the tension between free speech and school discipline. 这个事件的中心是自由言论和学校规章之间的矛盾。
At the heart of the change has been the development of huge markets in swaps, derivatives and other complex and often opaque instruments that allow the transfer of risk from one party to another. 在这一变革的核心已经发展成了巨大的包括交换,衍生工具和其他复杂的和很难理解的(金融)工具,这些工具被允许转移风险。
At the heart of the first amendment is the recognition of the importance of the free flow of ideas .Freedom to speak one's mind is not only an aspect of individual liberty but essential to the quest for truth and the vitality of society as a whole .In 第一宪法修正案的宗旨是自由发表言论权利的认知,言论自由不仅是个人自由的指标,也是追求事实真相凝聚社会力量的源泉,若辩论公众事物时,缺乏崇高动机,亦同样受第一宪法修正案的保护.
At the heart of the issue is whether we can tolerate the intolerance fostered by extremism-especially regarding the equality of women-and survive as strong liberal democracy. 这个问题的中心就是我们是否可以忍受极端主义带来的偏狭,特别是有关妇女享有平等待遇的问题,还有我们的自由民主是否可以延续下去。

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