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Currently, the company has become an important production base for heavy trucks, China's largest military rover production base, our third generation rover production base, China's largest electrical industry research and production base of China's larges

Currently, the UI will only toggle off during game cinematics. 目前,用户接口界面只在进行游戏动画的时候关闭。
Currently, the United States and Canada, Microsoft RIM company is not for outsiders to make any speculation on the position. 目前,美国微软公司和加拿大RIM公司都没有对外界作出任何有关传言的表态。
Currently, the average annual research spend by bulge-bracket banks is down to $600m. 目前,华尔街超大型投资银行在研究上的年均花费降至6亿美元。
Currently, the bank's main agency services for stock trading include banking-securities transfer service and stock trading settlement service on commission. 目前银行代理股票交易业务主要有:提供银证转账服务和代理股票交易委托服务。
Currently, the brands as Aurum, ACE+ and ITOUEN have been successfully distributed in Japan and Mainland China. 目前有在日本和国内全面销售的“金箔”、“ACE+”、“伊藤园”等。
Currently, the company has become an important production base for heavy trucks, China's largest military rover production base, our third generation rover production base, China's largest electrical industry research and production base of China's larges 目前,公司已成为中国重要的重型车生产基地,中国最大的军用越野车生产基地、我军第三代越野车生产基地,中国齿轮行业最大的研发与生产基地,中国最大的重型商用车轿厂商,中国最大的火花塞生产基地,中国最大的活塞销生产厂家,中国排名第二的空调压缩机生产厂家,中国汽车刹车系统的最大出口商和美国最大进口商,中国丝网栏杆产品最大出口商。
Currently, the company has in Pudong Zhangjiang, Caohejing, Fudan, Jiaotong University, Qinghua, and other established 17 venture capital funds (including professional fund), a total of 150 investment projects, leading to social capital size of 31 billion 目前,公司已在浦东张江、漕河泾、复旦、交大、清华等地建立了17个风险投资基金(含专业基金),共投资项目150余项,带动社会资金规模达31亿元。
Currently, the company is in line with the national policy for the establishment of large-scale coal bases and large Zhengzhou coal-electricity-aluminum pillar industry development needs, and actively integrating coal mining resources, and promote enterpr 目前,集团公司正按照国家建立大型煤炭基地的政策要求及大郑州煤—电—铝支柱产业发展需求,积极整合矿区煤炭资源,推动企业跨越式发展。
Currently, the company is provided with two extra-width fabric dyeing lines and one blanket production line, with annual dyeing capacity at 30,000,000m and annual blanket production capacity at 3,000,000pcs, plus 1,000,000 suites of finished articles per 目前公司有二条特阔染色生产线,一条毯子生产线,年染色能力3000万米,毯子300万条,制品套件100万枚,主导产品有中高档特阔纯棉、丝绵高支高密、全真丝、天丝、莫代尔、竹纤维、平纹、缎纹、斜纹等染色生产,套件及毯子制成品。
Currently, the company is the biggest supplier in coatings, pigment, synthetic resin, adhesives, daily-used chemicals, fibers and polymers. 目前经营领域涉及以合成树酯、粘合剂、颜料、涂料、日用化工、纤维、聚合物,是全球最大供应商之一。
Currently, the hag filters of the urea packing system in several large domestic chemical fertilizer plants still need improvement or reconstruction, and suggestions are offered on the future improvement on bag filters. 目前国内仍有不少大化肥企业的尿素包装系统的袋式除尘器需要进行改造或重建,为此对袋式除尘器今后的改造提出了建议。

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