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A game played by two teams on a rectangular court divided by a high net,in which both teams use up to three hits to ground the ball on the opposing team's side of the net.

A gallop to the cashiers. 一个飞奔到了收银台。
A gambling demonstration where a card mysteriously vanishes, then a dollar bill visibly changes into the card! 这是一个睹博的示範,一张牌离奇地消失,而另一张钞票则明显地变成一张扑克牌。
A game in which players control a rapid whereabouts of the fireball, production quality is quite good, recommended to the challenges like high gamers. 游戏中,玩家控制一个飞速下落的火球,制作品质相当不错,推荐给喜欢高挑战的玩家。
A game is made up of two teams, each having up to 11 players. The game consists of two 45-min halves with a 15-min halftime. 一场足球比赛有两队参加,每队11人。比赛上下半场各45分钟,中间休息15分钟。
A game of cat and mouse, Karam is the quest for one man's redemption set in a high-octane emotional thriller. 一场猫捉老鼠的游戏,《卡拉姆》探讨了人对赎罪的高度紧张的心情。
A game played by two teams on a rectangular court divided by a high net,in which both teams use up to three hits to ground the ball on the opposing team's side of the net. 排球一种运动,两队在长方形的被一个高网隔开的场地上,每队击球三次后将球打入对方一边的场地。
A game played on a checkerboard by two players, each using 12 pieces. 西洋跳棋或象棋两个人参加的在方格棋盘上的游戏,每人用12颗棋子。
A game that is very popular with these young swimmers is the underwater tricycle race. 这些幼小的游泳运动员非常喜爱的一种游戏是水下三轮车比赛。
A game where you control a red or green ball trying to score the white ball into the opponent's gate. 这是个球类游戏,玩家可控制一个红球或绿球,并想办法将白色球打入对方球门。
A game's setting doesn't affect the type of character I play. 世界设定并不会影响我所要扮演的角色类型。
A gamete containing a diploid number of chromosomes, rather than the usual haploid number. 2一个包含二倍体数目染色体而不是通常单倍体数目染色体的配子。

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