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How masseur Billy McCulloch keeps Chelsea and England stars entertained, telling jokes on stage in his Speedos!

How many years ago did the comic strip Peanuts debut? 《花生》喜剧连载漫画初次露面是在多少年以前?
How many years have you been playing pingpong? 你打乒乓球多少年了?
How many years have you had the driver's license? 你获得驾照多长时间了?
How many zones will be in the expansion? 资料片有几个区域?
How market structure and market conduct affecting the market processes as well as operational performance under the operations of man-made fiber industry are main issues in this study. 市场结构与厂商行为如何影响该产业的运作过程与经营绩效为本文之题旨。
How masseur Billy McCulloch keeps Chelsea and England stars entertained, telling jokes on stage in his Speedos! 多么聪明的麦克拉伦啊,他总能使切尔西和英格兰充满快乐,在台上他的速率器里讲笑话.
How may I sing to thee and worship, O Sun? 小花问道:“我要怎样地对你唱,怎样地崇拜你呢,太阳呀?”
How may we change out two dragonflies in another place? 那么我们怎样可以变出另处的两只蜻蜓呢?
How may we provide these economic domains with new horizons for development? 如何赋予这些区域一个新的生机?
How mean am I when life gives me gold and I give you silver,and yet I deem myself generous. 我是何等卑鄙,当生活给了我金,我却给了你银,还自以为很大方。
How mean, dwarfish are their ways of things, in this time, --compared not with the Christian Shakespeares and Miltons, but with the old pagan Skalds, with any species of believing men ! 不用说跟基督徒的莎士比亚、密尔顿相比,就算是跟异教徒史凯德、或任何有信仰的人相比,现代人的思维方式是多麽的卑下、侏儒般矮小。

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