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In 1690, Massachusetts issued the first bills of credit to pay soldiers.

In 1637, Granny Xu celebrated her sixtieth birthday. 1637年,徐老太太迎来了她的60大寿。
In 1638, France's King Louis the 14th was born. 在1638年,法国第十四任国王路易斯出世.
In 1642, Harvard College in Cambridge, Massachusetts, held its first commencement. 1642年的今天,位于美国马萨诸塞州剑桥的哈佛大学,举行了第一次开学典礼。
In 1660 when the Second Charles be the monarch, the officials sent a hunting ship named yacht. 1660年,英国查尔斯二世继承王位时,大臣们呈献一艘狩猎船,名为游艇。
In 1665, England installed a municipal government in New York, formerly the Dutch settlement of New Amsterdam. 1665年的今天,英国在纽约成立了市政府,它的前身是新阿姆斯特丹的荷兰人居住区。
In 1690, Massachusetts issued the first bills of credit to pay soldiers. 1690年,马萨诸塞发行第一批取款凭单向士兵支付酬劳。
In 1696 Kidd reluctantly became a privateer for England and was expected to fight pirates on the open sea, seize their cargoes, and provide a hefty share of the spoils to the Crown. 1696年基德不情愿地为英格兰变成了一名海盗并被要求在公海上与其它海盗作战,抢夺他们的货物,并同国王分享战利品。
In 1756, Shen was feeling weak. One day he keeled over and was put to bed, but even the doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong with him. 1756年的时候,沈觉得自己越来越虚弱。有一天他跪倒了,被扶上床。甚至连医生都看不出来他得了什么病。
In 1765, Frederick County, Maryland, repudiated the British Stamp Act. 1765年的这一天,马里兰弗雷德里克县批判不列颠印花案。
In 1773, the ninth president of the United States, William Henry Harrison, was born in Charles City County, Virginia. 1773年2月9日,美国第九任总统,哈里森出生于弗吉尼亚州查尔斯郡.
In 1774, the First Continental Congress adjourned in Philadelphia. 1774年,在费城举行的首次大陆国会将延期!

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