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With the aim to analysis the problem of multi-weapons to multi-targets distribution, this paper builds up a weapon-target distribution model through a mixed multi-targets optimization theory which based on a kind of fuzzy optimization technique, and works

With the aidance of the MSTC in the South Campus, and under the hard work of the Foundation Committee, the new branch enrolls successfully in the Communist Youth League Committee of the East Campus and holds her first lecture on the East Campus. 在中大南校区俱乐部成员的协助下,经过东校区筹建委员会成员的共同努力,2006年3月下旬,中山大学微软技术俱乐部中山大学东校区团工委成功注册,并成功举办了社团建立之处的首次讲座。
With the aim of achieving professionalism, customer-orientation, Quality service and expansion and development, Shanghai Asia Pacific Insurance Agent Co., Ltd. is committed to becoming a reliable cooperation partner of our clients. 公司本着“专业为本,客户至上,诚信服务,开拓发展”的信念,使亚太保险代理成为广大客户信赖的合作伙伴。
With the aim of developing the students possessing good professional qualities, fluent operational skills and capacity for sustainable development, the construction of demonstrative specialty with the high starting point, high standard and high profession 要开展高起点、高标准、高目标的示范专业建设,通过构建持续性发展平台和专业性发展平台,使学生具有良好的职业素质、熟练的操作技能和可持续发展能力。
With the aim of further perfecting and normalizing Graded English Level Testing, and improving the research on student course evaluations based on Graded Course Testing for Primary and Middle School Students, Shanghai Educational Committee has organized t 为进一步完善和规范中小学英语学业水平等级考试,加强中小学学业水平等级考试对推进学生学业评价改革的研究,落实中小学二期课改的要求,更好的落实素质教育,上海市教委组织了中小学生英语等级考试。
With the aim of solving the problems of funds collection for urban land reserve and based on the analysis of its application in Hong Kong and Hainan's land market, the application prospect of Land Exchange Book in land reserve is discussed. 摘要针对我国土地储备中资金筹措机制方面存在的问题,结合香港、海南应用《换地权益书》的实践和经验,探讨其在土地储备中的应用。
With the aim to analysis the problem of multi-weapons to multi-targets distribution, this paper builds up a weapon-target distribution model through a mixed multi-targets optimization theory which based on a kind of fuzzy optimization technique, and works 依据火力分配的基本要素,针对多种武器对多个目标的分配问题,运用一种基于模糊优选技术的多目标混合优化理论,建立了武器-目标最佳分配模型,然后用遗传算法来求解,并在计算机条件下对求解的效果进行了检验。
With the aim to avoid the defect of the existing algorithm and raise the efficiency of it, a detailed scheme of modified very fast simulated annealing algorithm (MVFSA) is proposed on the basis of the mechanism analysis of very fast simulated annealing al 摘要在研究模拟退火机理分析的基础上,提出了一种改进的算法(MVFSA算法)的具体方案,目的是为了改进原算法(VFSA算法)中存在的缺陷,以提高算法的效率。
With the aim to study the fishing variations between the single-trap set net and the double-trap set net, catch per unit effort (CPUE) and seasonal index derived from monthly landings at two fixed shore-nets along the coast of Tang-Ao in northeastern Taiw 摘要爲究明改良型定置网(双落网)与常规型定置网(单落网)之渔获效率及渔期差异性,乃以东澳新协发定置渔场网型改良前后各5年之鱼种别历月渔获统计资料加以检测解析,结果如次:(1)网型改良后的总平均单位努力渔获量较改良前成长3倍有余。
With the ambient lilght completely resolved and the disaster caused to the contrast greatly abased,the fire-new theory will brilliantly change the present structure of video products and put the front-projection technology in a very important position wit 彻底解决了环境光下,前投技术的对比度问题,届时将改变视频终端产品的格局,使前投技术以令世界惊异的综合竞争力居于重要地位。
With the ample bamboo shoots materials, the series of boiled bamboo shoots is the main products of the company. 因为地处产笋大区,所以水煮笋系列产品一直是本公司的主导产品。
With the analyses of the relationship figure between IRI and velocity of representative road profile wavelength, the change trend between IRI and vehicle velocity wasn't monotone increasing and was mainly affected by free vibration frequency of vehicle sy 通过分析典型路面波长国际平整度指数与行驶车速的关系图,发现国际平整度指数与速度之间不是单调增长关系,除路面因素外,两者之间的变化趋势主要受车辆系统自振频率的影响。

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