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To people in many countries, being bilingual or even trilingual is a way of life.

To pay homage to all life only to eat the object of our reverence is nothing short of hypocrisy. 尊重所有的生命可是又去吃他们,这种尊敬是虚伪的。
To pay taxes is an obligation of every citizen. 纳税是每一个公民的 义务.
To pay taxes is an obligation. 纳税是一义务。
To pay tribute to Prometheus and the fire, the ancient Greeks used torches during religious ceremonies and by keeping a sacred fire burning in certain temples. 古希腊人为表达对普罗米修斯和火的敬意,在宗教仪式上都会使用火炬,并在某些神庙让圣火一直燃烧。
To peaceful Arts shall Envy Bow. 对于和平的艺术来说,将嫉妒弓。
To people in many countries, being bilingual or even trilingual is a way of life. 对许多国家的人而言,说两种或三种语言,是家常便饭。
To people of our generation Kennedy was a god. 对我们这一代人来说,肯尼迪是我们崇拜的偶像.
To people of our generation Kennedy was a god. 对我们这一代人来说, 肯尼迪是我们崇拜的偶像.
To perfect legal settling mechanisms in China, we should set up our own sports arbitration system including sports arbitration institutes, arbitral procedure, and the bounds of judicial power intervention in sports disputes should also be defined. 因此,构建我国体育纠纷仲裁机构、仲裁程序等仲裁制度以及明确司法介入的界限等是完善我国体育纠纷法律解决机制的重要环节。
To perfect our macro-control institutions of public debt, we should be approaching the goal of legalization, harmonization and operation, and develop the legal system framework of subject, conduct and guarantee. 完善我国的国债宏观调控立法,应当朝着法制化、协调化与可操作化的目标迈进,并按照“主体-行为-保障”的制度框架进一步健全国债宏观调控法律制度。
To perfect the bylaw, establish effective finding and alarming mechanism against corruption, give full scope to democratic supervision on corruption are the efficient ways to improve the supervision strength and effects in colleges and universities. 完善规章制度,建立有效的腐败“发现”机制和预警系统,充分发挥民主监督的作用,是提高高校内部监督力度和监督效果的有效途径。

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