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Janis Jophin sang of her sadness.

Janice: Our job is tough sometimes. 我们的工作有时真的很困难。
Janice: Yeah. In fact, I have an interview next Monday. 贾尼斯:有啊,我下周一就有个面试。
Janie: Mom, how old is our car? 妈妈,我们家的汽车几年了?
Janie: My teacher told us to write our autobiography. 老师要我们写汽车传记(自传)。
Janik and his crew recorded the name calls of each dolphin, and digitally removed the voice features of each call. 研究发现,如果某只海豚听到一个类似自己亲属“名字”的叫声后,会时不时地转向扬声器,在14例试验中,有9例产生如此现象。
Janis Jophin sang of her sadness. 詹妮丝?乔普林用歌声表达自己的悲哀。
Jankulovksi found a motivated team with a lot of desire to start again. 扬库洛夫斯基认为现在的球队充满活力,带着对荣誉的无限渴望开始了新赛季征程。
Janneau's oldest blended, double distilled Armagnac. Silver Plated bottle together with an exclusive padlock for guarding its precious contents. 珍露最古老的混合双重蒸馏雅文邑。瓶身镀以银色并配有独一挂锁以确保其内珍贵酒体。
Jannero Pargo scored 24 points and Rasual Butler added 21 to help the New Orleans Hornets end a five-game losing streak with a 96-77 victory over the listless Atlanta Hawks on Wednesday night. 在周三晚上对阵亚特兰大鹰队的比赛中,新奥尔良黄蜂队的詹尼罗·帕戈取下24分,拉苏尔·巴特勒取下21分,以96-77帮助球队赢得比赛,令黄蜂队结束了五连败。
Jannes: Ambition knows no father. 杰斯:野心是没有父亲的孤儿。
January 17, 2007 — Twenty years after its introduction, gene therapy still holds great promise as a way to harness the insidious power of iruses such as human immunodeficiency syndrome (HI). 2007年1月17日——在基因治疗引入医学领域20年后,做为一种利用病毒隐袭的能力来对抗病毒自身的治疗方法,仍然保持着巨大的希望,如在对抗艾滋病病毒领域。

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