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A digital base band adaptive predistortion method to compensate nonlinear distortions introduced by a high-power amplifier (HPA) in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system is proposed.

A diffraction process is also used, but in this case ,the light output can be more finely turned to produce particular internal light patterns. 虽然还要经过衍射过程,但是这样,出射光便可以被更好的转换为特殊形式的室内光。
A diffuse mass of interstellar dust or gas or both, visible as luminous patches or areas of darkness depending on the way the mass absorbs or reflects incident radiation. 星云星际空间的尘埃或气体或两者共同构成的巨大天体,由其对光线的吸收和反射来决定其明亮可见或黑暗一团
A diffusion mechanism whereby atomic motion is from interstitial site to interstitial site. 晶体扩散机制的一种。间隙原子由一个间隙位置迁移至邻近的间隙位置所构成的扩散。
A digger of gardens; a digger for information; a digger of bones. 花园的挖掘工;挖掘收集信息的人;盗尸人
A digit, usually zero, produced during the normalizing of a floating-point number, and inserted during a left shift operation into the fixed point part. 在浮点数的规格化过程中产生的,在左移位操作中插入定点部分的数字,该数字通常为零。
A digital base band adaptive predistortion method to compensate nonlinear distortions introduced by a high-power amplifier (HPA) in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system is proposed. 摘要提出了一种用于正交频分复用(OFDM)系统中补偿由大功率放大器引起的非线性失真的基带自适应预失真方法。
A digital camera does not use traditional film. 数码影机不需用传统的胶片。
A digital control emergency braking system of hoist is carried out based on industrial controlling computer,it has successfully realized constant deceleration retardation,a new approach has been developed for improving the safety and reliability of hoist 给出一种利用工控计算机实现的全数字控制提升机紧急制动系统,系统已成功地实现了提升机紧急制动时的恒减速,为有效地提高提升机紧急制动的安全性和可靠性开辟了新的途径。
A digital image-based (DIB) technique was proposed to characterize and quantify the heterogeneity of rock, and it was implemented into RFPA (Rock failure process analysis) code in order to simulate the complete failure process of rock under both the exter 本文提出了用数字图像处理技术表征岩石非均匀性的基本方法,并通过把该技术实施到岩石破裂过程分析程序RFPA中,来模拟非均匀岩石在外载荷和渗流耦合作用下发生破裂的整个过程。
A digital switching device in telecommunications for routing lines. 电讯中用于线路路由的数字交换装置。
A digital watch shows the time by electronically lit up numbers. 数字手表是通过电子显示数字来表示时间的。

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