The Engineering Center's main task and goal are guided by the market, utilizing the advantage condition of capital, persons with ability, equipments and marketing etc. which were being supplied by the investors, to accelerate the subsequent engineering re
工程中心的主要任务和目标是以市场为导向,综合利用各组建单位在生物技术方面的优势,加速发酵技术科研成果后续的工程化研究和系统集成,着力于开发适合规模生产需要的菌种技术、发酵技术、提取技术、合成技术,促进具有自主知识产权的科研成果向成套技术和工艺的转化,增强产业实力,提高行业的国际竞争力。 |
The Engineering Office Manager is also in charge to seek sub contractors in China to export parts to European Automatic sites, according to orientations' emitted by the Automation Industrial directors.
工程经理同时协助工业总监,负责在中国寻找出口至欧洲各地自动化工厂的自动化零件的分包商。 |
The England Captain also had kind words for Crouch's strike partner Michael Owen, who scored his first international goal this year as he continues to improve his fitness level.
这位英格兰队长还称赞了克劳奇的锋线搭档欧文,他在这场比赛中打进了今年的第一个国家队进球,而他也在继续找回状态. |
The England captain led Steve McClaren's team to a comprehensive 5-0 win over Andorra in Saturday's opening Euro Championship qualifier.
在上周六的欧锦赛资格赛的比赛中,这位英格兰的队长率领着史蒂夫麦克拉伦的球队以5-0完胜安道尔。 |
The England captain said he had been under intolerable pressure from the Spanish paparazzi who had crossed the lineby targeting his children when they were alone at school.
据英国《卫报》24日报道,这样的话出自贝克汉姆嘴里,可能还是第一次。贝克汉姆之所以突然萌生去意,主要是不满西班牙当地“狗仔队”对其家人,特别是孩子的骚扰。用小贝的话说就是,他们“过线了”。 |
The England captain, 26, was rushed to University Hospital Cardiff in a neck brace and wearing an oxygen mask. He regained consciousness soon after being admitted.
这位26岁的英格兰队长在带上了护颈以及氧气面罩以后被紧急送到了加迪夫大学医院。他在接受检查以后很快就恢复了意识。 |
The England coach was granted permission by Glenn Roeder to visit the Magpies' training base on Tuesday, where he caught up with the likes of Michael Owen, Kieron Dyer and Scott Parker, plus younger hopefuls like James Milner, Steven Taylor and Peter Rama
这位英格兰的主教练得到了罗德的邀请在星期二的时候来到了纽卡的训练场,他在那里跟国家队的成员欧文,代尔和帕克聊了聊,当然也没有忘记希望之星米尔纳,泰勒和拉美格。 |
The England defender is determined to win back his place at Stamford Bridge after the arrival of his friend from Arsenal.
这个英格兰后卫决心赢回他的位置在斯坦福桥在他的阿森那的朋友到来之后。 |
The England duo were understandably ecstatic to have put pen-to-paper.
英格兰双星很高兴能够白纸黑字地确认好续约事宜。 |
The England full-back enjoyed a season-long loan at Pompey last term and now he has penned a four-year deal at Fratton Park.
上个赛季,格伦约翰逊曾经被租借到浦斯茅斯一个赛季,在那留下了不错的回忆,如今,他选择转会浦斯茅斯,签下了为期四年的合同。 |
The England head coach said: “Frank`s been playing brilliantly for England for a very long time.
林柏特多年为英格兰披甲上阵表现精彩,他为车路士连续上阵超过两年,而且更在不断进步。 |