Researchers found that patients with higher systolic blood pressures at hospital admission had substantially lower in-hospital and post-discharge mortality rates compared to patients with lower systolic pressures.
研究者发现在入院时收缩压较高者与收缩压较低者相比,住院率较低,而且出院后死亡率较低。 |
Researchers found that people readjust their direction of walking regularly. The amount of meandering differed from subject to subject.
研究人员还发现,人们会经常调整行走的方向。调整幅度随行走目标的不同而变化。 |
Researchers found that rainfall generally increased during this time.
研究这发现,在这一时期,降雨量总体上有所增加。 |
Researchers found that ten per cent of the homicide ictims were strangers with the rest friends, carers or family members.
调查显示10%的凶杀案牺牲者很孤独,也就是他们朋友很少,与亲人疏远,与护理人员不熟悉。 |
Researchers found that the rise in antioxidant levels is much lower when milk chocolate is eaten or when dark chocolate is eaten along with milk.
研究人员发现吃牛奶巧克力或加奶的黑巧克力时,增加的抗氧化剂含量就少得多。 |
Researchers found that when they combined the results from 103 studies, there was clear evidence that lifestyle changes helped people with type 2 diabetes gain better control over their blood sugar.
研究者综合了103项研究结果后发现生活习惯的改变有助于2型糖尿病患者更好地控制血糖,这一点是很明确的。 |
Researchers found that when users and non-users were given tests to assess their verbal memory skills the ecstasy-takers scored significantly lower.
研究人员发现,当通过测试来评估受试者的非文字记忆技巧时,服用摇头丸者的分数明显比未服用者低。 |
Researchers from Children's Hospital of Boston, Massachusetts, and Harvard Medical School, think they may have discovered a cause for crib death.
来自马萨诸塞州的波士顿儿童医院以及哈佛医学院的研究人员认为他们可能已经发现了一个引发床上死亡的原因。 |
Researchers from Harvard University`s Medical School studied more than 90,000 pre-menopausal women and found that those who ate one or more servings of red meat per week were twice as likely to contract breast cancer as those who ate red meat no more than
来自哈佛大学的研究人员通过对90000多名绝经期前女性的研究发现,每周吃一份或多份红肉的女性患乳腺癌的几率是每周只吃红肉三次的2倍。 |
Researchers from Rutgers Uniersity used motion-capture cameras to record dancers' moes.The study shows that the most symmetrical moers were considered to be the best dancers.
罗特格斯大学的研究人员们用摄像机将跳舞者的动作捕捉下来。研究表明,平衡性最好的舞者舞姿最美。 |
Researchers from Rutgers University used motion-capture cameras to record dancers' moves.The study shows that the most symmetrical movers were considered to be the best dancers.
罗特格斯大学的研究人员们用摄像机将跳舞者的动作捕捉下来。研究表明,平衡性最好的舞者舞姿最美。 |