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He tripped the witness by artful questions.

He tripped and bashed his head against the railing. 他跌了一跤, 头部撞在栏杆上了.
He tripped and bashed his head against the railing. 他跌了一跤,头部撞在栏杆上了.
He tripped on a tree root. 他被一株树根绊倒了。
He tripped the pickpocket up by the heels. 他用脚后跟把扒手绊倒。
He tripped the witness by artful questions. 他以巧妙的质问诱使证人说话前後矛盾。
He tripped the witness by artful questions. 他以巧妙的质问诱使证人说话前后矛盾。
He trod the room from end to end. 他从房间的这一头走到那一头。
He trolled a song. 他很欢快地唱一支歌。
He trotted out a most plausible story, but most of us were inclined to doubt the truth of it. 他提出了一个听起来很有道理的说法,但我们大多数人对此都持怀疑态度。
He troubles a bad cold . 他患重感冒。
He troubles himself no more with the house and hands over the bare, empty rooms to the decorator and upholsterer for more extensive fittings. 建筑师不再为房间而自劳神费心,将毛坯房交给装修商做下一步的装修。

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