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Is everything in hibernation under the bedding of snow?

Is even Saul among the prophets? 扫罗也列在先知中吗?」
Is every issue black or white? 每个议题是否非黑即白?
Is everyone in New York rich and happy? On the contrary, many people are lonely and poor. 纽约的人们过着富裕幸福的生活吗?相反的是,许多人是孤独而且贫穷。
Is everything all right, madam? 夫人,一切都还好吗?
Is everything at your hotel satisfactory? 对你的饭店都还满意吗?
Is everything in hibernation under the bedding of snow? 雪的被褥中,一切都在冬眠吗?
Is everything to your satisfaction? 吃得满意吗?
Is everything under control? 一切都在掌握之中吗?
Is explicit in defining the conformance requirements of implementations of the Standard. 着重于命令以及相关信息的语义。
Is external intervention into civil wars best thought of as a deterrence problem or a coercion problem? 对内战的外部干预最好被看作是威慑问题还是高压政治问题?
Is familiar to the computer hardware, can the skilled assembly, to the financial control software Housewifebe able the skilled operation. 对计算机的硬件熟悉,能够熟练的组装,对财务管理软件《管家婆》能够熟练的操作。

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