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Her son's achievements gave her vicarious pleasure.

Her son is a right little horror. 她的儿子是个不折不扣的小淘气。
Her son is keen on studying abroad (interested in). 她的儿子很想出国念书。
Her son is studying in a preparatory school. 她儿子正在一所大学预备学校学习。
Her son is well past forty. 她儿子已四十好几岁了。
Her son was filled with ambition to become a great inventor. 她儿子一心想成为伟大的发明家。
Her son's achievements gave her vicarious pleasure. 她儿子的成就给予她感同身受的喜悦。
Her son's letter dissipated all her fears and anxiety. 她儿子的来信消除了她一切恐惧和焦虑.
Her son's voice has acquired the deepness of a man. 她儿子的声音已经有了成年男人的低沈。
Her son's voice have acquired the deepness of a man. 她儿子的声音已经有了成年男人的低沈。
Her son, Officer Ed Thomas of the Bath Township Police Department, declined to comment. 玛格丽特的儿子,巴夫镇警察局的警官埃德·托马斯拒绝就此事发表评论。
Her songs made you want to sing along and clap to the beat. 她的歌曲让你想跟她一起唱、拍手打拍子。

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