The tender documents shall contain all substantial requirements and terms as technical requirements of the project subject to tender, standards on examination of bidders' qualifications, requirements on bid price quotation and bid assessment standards as
招标文件应当包括招标项目的技术要求、对投标人资格审查的标准、投标报价要求和评标标准等所有实质性要求和条件以及拟签订合同的主要条款。 |
The tender drew up alongside the liner, made fast, and prepared to disembark the passengers.
联络船在班轮旁边停下,系紧缆绳,准备让旅客上岸。 |
The tender young shoots of bamboo are tasty.
竹子也能用于造纸。 |
The tenderee introduced in the tender information list in the 6th chapter of the 2nd volume of this tender document has already possessed an amount of capital/loan.
本招标文件第二册第六章投标资料表中所述的招标人已拥有一笔资金/贷款。 |
The tenderee plans to spend a part of the capital/loan on purchase of the complete sets of equipment in the contract introduced in the tender information list.
招标人计划将一部分资金/贷款用于采购投标资料表中所述合同项下的成套设备。 |
The tenderer and the winning bidder may not conclude any other agreement contrary to the substantial contents of the contract.
招标人和中标人不得再行订立背离合同实质性内容的其他协议。 |
The tenderer does not attend the bid opening meeting.
(五)投标单位未参加开标会议。 |
The tenderer may also authorize the bid assessment committee to directly determine the winning bidder.
招标人也可以授权评标委员会直接确定中标人。 |
The tenderer may do so only if he confirms in writing that the withdrawal makes no change to the tender price.
只有在投标人书面确认撤回偏差,并不对标价做出修改,他才真的撤回了偏差。 |
The tenderer shall complete Schedule III-Price Adjustment Provisions and shall submit with his tender such other supporting information as is required under Clause 70 of the Conditions of Contract.
投标者应完成表三--价格调整条款--并按合同条款的要求与投书一起提供这样的配套文件。 |
The tenderer shall refuse to accept any bid documents delivered after the deadline for submission set in the tender documents.
在招标文件要求提交投标文件的截止时间后送达的投标文件,招标人应当拒收。 |