Beat the margarine and sugars until creamy and fluffy. Add in sifted flour, poppy seeds and lemon peels. Mix well.
植物牛油和砂糖一同打至软化蓬松状。筛入面粉,罂粟子和柠檬皮末,拌匀成面团。 |
Beat the mixture until it has a light, puffy texture.
把混合料搅拌到发起来为止. |
Beat together the eggs and oil. Stir this into the flour mixture. Combine sugar, baking soda, and salt. Stir into batter, then let stand for about 10 minutes.
鸡蛋和沙拉油打匀后加入粉类。砂糖,小苏打和盐混合也一并加入拌匀。搁置10分钟左右。 |
Beat up the egg whites until they become stiff.
把蛋白打到它们变黏稠。 |
Beat up the yolks of three eggs.
把三个蛋黄搅匀. |
Beat your own path through the wilderness.
在荒野中打出自己的路。 |
Beat your plowshares into swords And your pruning hooks into spears; Let the weak say, I am a mighty man.
珥3:10要将犁头打成刀剑、将镰刀打成戈矛.软弱的要说、我有勇力。 |
Beat your plowshares into swords, And your pruning knives into spears; Let the weak say, I am mighty.
10要将犁头打成刀剑,将镰刀打成戈矛;软弱的要说,我有勇力。 |
Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruninghooks into spears: let the weak say, I am strong.
10要将犁头打成刀剑,将镰刀打成戈矛。软弱的要说,我有勇力。 |
Beat: The line taken to sail most directly into the wind (about 45 degrees from wind direction); also known as work.
迎风:直接面对风向航行的路线(与风向保持约45度角);也称为工作。 |
Beaten by the worst team in the league? They'll never live it down!
让联赛中最差劲的队打败了? 这是永远也忘不了的事! |