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People don't use ideological terms in open-ended proves.

People don't have central heating in their houses in my country. 在我国, 一般人家里没有集中供热设备.
People don't mob me too bad. 人们对我还不算太过分。
People don't resent having nothing nearly as much as too little. 人们埋怨的常常是太少,而不是没有.
People don't use chopsticks here, but spoons and forks. 这里的人不用筷子,用勺子和叉子。
People don't use farthings now. 人们现在不用法寻了。
People don't use ideological terms in open-ended proves. 在回应开放答案的问题时,人们不以意识形态词语来回答。
People doubled whether the presidential election in Florida had been rigged. 人们怀疑佛罗里达州的 总统选举有舞弊行为.
People drink realgar wine to protect themselves from illne . 人们喝雄黄酒保护自己免于生病。
People drink realgar wine to protect themselves from illness. 人们喝雄黄酒保护自己免于生病。
People drive to and from work. 许多人都开车上下班。
People eager to retain or restore their youthful biology might well recognize the paucity of proof but decide to try a putative anti-aging intervention anyway, thinking they have little to lose. 亟盼维持或恢复年轻的人们,可能很清楚这种证据的缺乏,但还是决定试试看所谓的抗老化干预。

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