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Here you get your quills and ink.

Here you can see two bottom pieces rounded. 在这里你可以看到两件底部四舍五入.
Here you can see two workers who, between them, have just finished cutting three cart-loads of golden brown macaroni stalks. 这里您可以看到两名工人,他们刚刚割好三大马车金黄色的通心粉小麦杆。
Here you can see two workers who, between them, have just finished cutting three cartloads of golden brown macaroni stalks. 这里您可以看到两个工人,他们协力割下了3车金黄色的通心粉秸。
Here you can visit William Shakespeare's birthplace and other places connected to the famous playwright. 在这儿你可以造访威廉姆莎士比亚的出生地以及其它与这位伟大的戏剧家有关的地方。
Here you find neither trimmed hedges in straight lines, nor flowers arranged in geometric patterns. 你找不到裁减的笔直的树篱,也找不到几何图案的花丛。
Here you get your quills and ink. 这儿可以买到羽毛笔和墨水。
Here you go, buddy, Breakfast of champions. 给你的“冠军的早餐”。
Here you go,madam.This is your boarding pass. 可以走了,太太。这是您的登机牌。
Here you have a title that was given plenty of hype, and then kind of dropped when it was introduced. 这儿有一个题是给予充足的鼓劲加油,然后类下降时,有人介绍.
Here you have been keeping up a perfect hurrah's nest in our kitchen for a week. 一个星期以来,你在咱们的厨房里把一切搞得乱七八糟。
Here you have my favourite Real Madrid's video. It is a great video that a real madrid fan created for the centenary of the club. He made a amazing job. 这是我最喜欢的皇马视频。是一个皇马球迷为俱乐部百年制作的一段视频。做得非常好。

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