I were stay up all night,so i can not brace myself up!
我昨晚熬夜了,今天我打不起精神。 |
I were tired of the bald life.
我受够了这种枯燥的生活。 |
I wet my pants and went home to change.
我在路上弄湿了我的裤子,所以回家换了一条。 |
I wet my shoes thru my sweat and dews before the coming of pouring rain in this holiday.
在大雨来临之前的清晨里把汗水跟露水跑成这个模样的一个公休假日。 |
I what to study the problem before I shoot off my mouth.
在我没有发表意见之前,我想研究一下这个问题。 |
I when leisure likes listening to music, reads, surfer!
我在闲暇时喜欢听音乐,看书,上网! |
I whether one is it handle affairs natural , slim and healthy , industrious and kindhearted happy woman to have a bright and cheerful disposition, I have deep love for life , have deep love for the nature, like travelling , riding a bicycle , studying pic
我是一位性格开朗处事大方、苗条而健康、勤劳而善良快乐的女性,我热爱生活、热爱大自然,喜欢旅游、骑自行车、学画中国画、欣赏音乐、喜欢烹调。 |
I whined, Five, how did I get five; I was just out there and no one was in the waiting room.
我抱怨着说:“5个,怎么可能一下子就有了5个呢;我刚刚离开那里的时候,还一个人也没有啊。” |
I whipped up a quick sketch, hoping to snag a commission, but I never got any feedback.
我本来希望可以从网站的管理原得到委托﹐不过他一直没有给我回应。 |
I who am blind can give one hint to those who see--one admonition to those who would make full use of the gift of sight: Use your eyes as if tomorrow you would be stricken blind.
我,一个盲人,可以给那些能看见的人一个提示---对想充分利用视力天赋的人的一个忠告:用你的双眼,就好像你明天就会遭致失明一样。 |
I who trembled, to feel at fifty leagues`distance The groans of Behemoth`s rutting, and of the dense Maelstroms Eternal spinner of blue immobilities I long for Europe with it`s aged old parapets!
我浑身颤抖地听到一百里外巨兽发情的呻吟和旋涡浓重的恕吼天地间永无歇止的纺手我怀念那古堡林立的欧州! |