After dating a couple of guys,Amy met her soul mate,Tom,last year.
去年,艾米在和两个男孩子陆续的约会过后,选择了另她青睐的汤母。 |
After days battling the rough sea, the ship at last split up.
这只船日夜与凶恶的大海搏斗,最后全碎了。 |
After days of inactivity, the enemy finally showed its teeth by a frontal attack on our position.
几天没动静之后,敌人终于龇牙咧嘴地向我们的阵地发动了正面的进攻。 |
After days of raining, not only that we are out of the summer heat, but also did the rainbow reappear in Beijing's sky after years of absence.
在多日的雨天过后,不仅夏天的闷热有所减退,多年不见的彩虹也重现在北京的上空。 |
After days of soul-searching he finally came to the decision to leave home.
他经过几天的反躬自问,最终决定离家而去。 |
After days of walking on, the grassland changed into a road.
经过多天的践踏,草地变成一条路。 |
After de addiction, they get into the rehabilitation programme for around six months.
在戒毒完成之后,还有一个为期六个月的康复项目。 |
After de-acetylating chitin, chitosan can be easily dissolved in a dilute acetic acid solution, and chitosan fibers can be made by extruding the solution into a dilute alkali solution.
甲壳素脱乙酰基后得到的甲壳胺可以很方便地溶解在稀醋酸水溶液中,经喷丝孔挤出后用稀碱中和沉淀即可得到甲壳胺纤维。 |
After decades of civil war, order was restored.
经过几十年的内战之后,总算恢复秩序了。 |
After decades of indulgence, American society seems to have reached some kind of tipping point, as far as tolerance for wild and woolly kid behavior is concerned.
在溺爱孩子几十年之后,现在的美国社会对于无法无天放任自流的孩子的纵容态度,似乎也到了一个临界点。 |
After decades of progression, some of these atheromatous plaques may rupture and (along with the activation of the blood clotting system) start limiting blood flow to the heart muscle.
在发展的阶段,一些附着在血管壁上的粉瘤会破裂(随即激发了血液的凝结功能)开始限制血液流向心肌。 |