Streamlined UI: Version 2.0 comes with a neat UI. Annotation tool buttons are grouped together, instead of being showed on several toolbars.
流畅的界面:2.0版带有一个整洁的界面。注释工具按钮被组合在一起,而不是显示在多个工具栏内。 |
Streamlined acquisition and supply processes are the direct result of effective purchasing and supply management.
精简的采购流程是采购管理的有效实施最直接的前提。 |
Streams of cars were belting along the superhighway.
川流不息的车辆在高速公路上飞驰。 |
Streams of people came to the editor office to request for the magazine or inquire about the information they needed every day.
同时,来编辑部索取刊物、查询新闻信息的人络绎不绝,使得其供不应求。 |
Streams tend to meander through level land.
河流流经平地时有蜿蜒曲折的倾向 |
Street Furniture revenues increased by 7.4% to ?227.5 million from ?211.9 million in the first quarter of 2005.
街头景物广告增长了7.4%,从2005年第一季度的2.119亿欧元上升至2.275亿欧元。 |
Street festivals always draw a crowd.
沿街庆典总是能吸引人群。 |
Street food culture is a way of living in Malaysia.
对自小在马来西亚长大的我,街边小食是生活中很重要的一部分。 |
Street gangs, vainglorious bands and savvy entrepreneurs incite them into a frenzy of aggression. . . and they profit from the results.
街头帮会、假正经和狡诈的投机客煽动他们让他们去进攻自己的敌人……而他们则等着好处。 |
Street in London, a body wear the thou pack ofcarveto draw on the people of vision, many artists of street display in succession each from of skill, draw on everywhere visitor, but this kind of from street ofthe human body carvethat artist attire is one o
在伦敦街头,一座座身着古装的“雕塑”吸引着人们的目光,许多街头艺术家们纷纷施展各自的本领,吸引四方游客,而这种由街头艺术家装扮的“人体雕塑”是最受游客欢迎的风景之一。 |
Street lamp lighting:The street lamp illuminates the street lamp and the view street lamps of pass the close by mansions, becoming to have the preface alignment, guiding the view and person to flow, making the business of the bottom building of nighttime
路灯照明:路灯照明通过邻近大楼的路灯和景观路灯,形成有序排列,引导视线和人流,使大楼夜间底楼的商业部分,形成灯光通明的气氛。 |