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As a modern scientific management method income management has been widely applied in service industry.

As a minimum unit abstracted from a moral system, a moral element can't keep in contact with anything, and only remains the basic meaning of itself. 摘要道德单元是从道德系统中抽象出来的最小单位,它暂时舍弃了与其它因素的联系,因而只剩下独立的基本涵义。
As a minimum, authors should take responsibility for a particular section of the study. 作者至少要对研究的一个特定的部分负责。
As a mirror of Political system and Political behaviour in the fields of spirit, it must he seeped into every field of the society, makes an effort to Political behaviour by Political psychology, Political sense, Political consciousness, Political belief 摘要政治文化作为社会政治体系和社会政治行为在个体心灵领域的反映,必将渗透于社会生活的各个领域,通过人们的政治心理、政治观念、政治意识、政治信仰而对政治行为发生作用,进而对中国现代化产生不可估量的影响。
As a moderate in a party increasingly dominated by hard-line conservatives, bodybuilder and action film star Arniecan appeal to centrist and independent voters, especially male ones. 如今,在强硬的保守派日渐占主导地位的共和党中,作为一位较为温和的共和党人,健美运动员及动作片明星“阿尼”(施瓦辛格的昵称)则能够吸引中间派人士和独立选民,尤其是其中的男性。
As a modern parent ,I know that it\'s not how much you give children those counts,it\'s the love and attention you shower on them. 作为一个现代的父母,我知道重要的不是你给了孩子们多少物质性的东西,而是你在他们身上倾注了多少关心和爱。
As a modern scientific management method income management has been widely applied in service industry. 摘要收益管理作为现代科学管理方法,在服务业中得到了广泛的应用。
As a modernized high-tech enterprise, it has diversified functions from study and development, manufacture, to distribution. 是集研发、制造、销售一体的现代化高科技企业。
As a morality, an economic ethic principle as well as a social responsibility, honesty and credit is greatly challenged by utilitarianism in current society. 摘要诚信是一种伦理德性,也是一种经济伦理原则和社会责任信念。
As a movie star, he made the big time; as a husband, he was not a good one. 作为电影明星,他是很出色的,但作为丈夫,他不称职。
As a multinational corporation, we must keep abreast with the latest development of the international market. 作为一家跨国集团企业,我们必须跟得上国际市场的最新发展。
As a musician, I'm not interested in hearing recycled versions of the same genre over and over. 身为一位音乐家,我不对一再地被使再循环相同的类版本的听证会感兴趣。

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