If the answer is obvious, is it important or trivial?
如果答案是肯定的,那它是重要的还是微不足道? |
If the answer is yes to all, then yeah, you\'re cool. What I can say, with the info you provided, is that you do not have HIV. OK?
你具有象健美人士一样的令人尖叫的体形么?有时髦的发形么?衣服都是牛津大道买的么?走路象跳舞么?性感么?(你懂不懂,这才是酷!别因为老子只是医生,别的不懂。) |
If the antibody treatments are successful, the researchers will launch a wider-scale trial involving hundreds of patients.
如果抗体疗法成功的话,研究者将进入包含上百人的大范围试用阶段。 |
If the appearance of life on a given planet was very unlikely, one might have expected it to take a long time.
如果在某个特定的行星上出现生命的机率非常小,我们就会预期:要出现,就需要等待很长的时间。 |
If the applicant authorizes the staff of the licensed undertaker to book the cremation session and/or collect cremated ashes, then applicant should complete Section D and sign it in front of the staff of this Department.
若申请人需要授权殓葬商职员代订火葬场时段及/或领取灵灰,请填妥丁部并在本署职员面前签署。 |
If the applicant does not obey the determination, it may appeal to the People's Court of a higher level within 10 days of service of the determination.
申请人对裁定不服的,可以自裁定送达之日起十日内向上一级人民法院提起上诉。 |
If the applicant fails to apply for business commencement upon the completion of the preparation stage or the extended preparation stage, the original approval document for the preparation shall become void automatically.
筹建期限届满或延长期限届满,申请人未提出开业申请的,原筹建批准决定自动失效。 |
If the applicant is a foreign non-bank financial institution, it shall submit the consent of its home country supervisory authority in writing.
申请人为外国非银行金融机构的,申请筹建时应提供其注册地金融监管当局出具的书面意见。 |
If the applicant is a non-financial entity, it shall submit the credit rating report of the previous year by a rating agency.
申请人为非金融机构的,申请筹建时应提供评级机构对申请人最近1年的信用评级报告。 |
If the applicant or offense-reporter does not receive a notification of application acceptance or rejection within the time frame mentioned in the first paragraph may reapply in writing to the school or competent authority within twenty days from the date
申请人或检举人于第一项之期限内未收到通知或接获不受理通知之次日起二十日内,得以书面具明理由,向学校或主管机关申复。 |
If the application contains a specific reference to an earlier filed application or applications under ABC,the term of the patent is twenty years from the date on which the earliest application was filed, subject to any statutory extensions.
如果申请包含在美国广播公司下面的关于一个较早的被申请的申请或者申请的特定参考,专利权的期限从最早的申请被申请的日期起是二十年在,之上对任何的法令延长的主题。 |