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The bell is knelling.

The beliefs which now hold sway may one day be rejected. 现在占主导地位的信仰有朝一日可能会被摒弃。
The beliefs, practices, or doctrine of an iconoclast. 反对传统、毁坏偶像的思想、行为或主义
The bell captain knew when the guest is going to leave hotel, informs the bellboy to prepare baggage receipt and delivers id to the guest's room in 10 minutes. 当行李领班得知客人即将离开酒店时,通知行李员10分钟内准备好行李收据送到客人房间。
The bell died in the patter of rain, from hell came the laughing of Satan at my brain. 雨落滴答,钟声绝鸣,脑际回荡魔鬼之狂笑,来自地狱之门。
The bell gave forth a peasant, lingering sound. 钟发出了悠扬悦耳的声音。
The bell is knelling. 丧钟已经敲响。
The bell jingled. 钟叮地响。
The bell rang before I could look over my answers. 我还没来得及看一下答案铃就响了。
The bell sounding the New Year 2007 is ringing. 新年的钟声即将敲响。
The bell tolled at funerals is now explained as a signal to the living that a soul is passing to the other side and should be accompanied by prayers. 在葬礼上鸣钟现在被解释为对生者发出一个信号:一个灵魂将要到另一个世界,需要祈祷者的陪伴。
The bell tower is the emblem of this city. 这座钟楼是这个城市的象征。

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